PLEEEEEASE MOAR PICS. I must see more. This looks truly epic. The effort into posting shows you actually care about this map so please give me more. From what i can see the map is beautifully forged, Im saying dead sexy. The base looks great with the aesthetics and all that good stuff. So just MOAR PICS!
Excellent job. Like the way you took the effort to make your post aesthetically pleasing TheSuperBleeders awesomeness = +20
1 word.... EPIC! Sound simular to my breach & clear concept. 16 Elites? Is that even possible? From the awesome pics, I see tons of incredible work. Keep it up. Is this Time Based or Just how long it takes? 2 Mins - 5 Mins - 15 Mins. I don't know. But this looks really good. I can't play my xbox until the weekend. until then, I'll play and come up with a full written review.
It has been brought to my attention that the spawns are not working properly. I'm sorry for the fail, Im out of town for the next few days so I will post the fixed map ASASP, and again sorry. I though it was working but my test group was small and I guess I just lucked out on not having the problems people are reporting to me.