This is my second ever invasion map and i have a video instead of pictures. Hope you guys enjoy it. Outpost Echo (Invasion Map) - YouTube Hope you guys like it
Nice aesthetics. I really like the crashed pelican a the first phase. Along with the bridge. maybe add some more detail in the thread about the map. Give us some background information about the Idea or tell us about the phases, Other than that, Great looking map.
i like this map it looks like there was alot of time and effort put ln to this map my only real problem is is the rock bridge (with the sniper nests on both ends) because i looks like you rushed it or ran out of rocks and you might want to move that rock with the darker shadow but besides that this map looks great.I will give it a DL!
This map looks very entertaining. Adding Bridges gives it a whole new feel to invasion... Only prob i see is the sniper spawn... seems too accessable to the human side. But I guess that focus rifle somewhat makes up for it... Good work. I'd post more info on it if I were you... I'd like to know the weapon placemant and such.
This is surprisingly good for a second invasion map. There are still quite a few problems you should deal with though. On the first phase, there needs to be more cover and a longer distance between the attackers spawns and the first objectives. The first phase of invasion especially should be tactical and require attackers to make use of bro spawns rather than randomly rushing the objectives immediately after spawning. In the current situation, there is no place to safely spawn squadmates that would be any closer than the normal spawn areas. The area with the crashed pelican should also be smoothed over slightly to make sure people can't fall in and can easily clear it in one jump to avoid slowing down the gameplay. It does do a great job of providing cover for the attackers initial spawn. In phase two, it's not good to have so many vehicles spawn so quickly because this can lead to a giant battle of vehicles followed by wreckage and no vehicles, and promotes stealing vehicles from the enemy team. You should work up to large numbers of vehicles in the third phase. One or two warthogs should be enough for the attackers. Also never place a warthog facing a wall; they should be able to drive straight out as soon as someone get in otherwise they are sitting ducks when people first get in. At one point I also noticed you have some soft kill zones in or near the playable area. When possible try to avoid these or make it clear players are not supposed to be in that area by other means. In the third phase, the path to capture the core seemed too easy with the mancannon jump taking you straight to an easily defensible path to the return point. Remove that mancannon and the problem should be resolved. The warthog jump off the mountain was great, and if it was intended there should be some way to make it more noticeable so attackers know it is possible and useful, and so defenders know to watch out for it. Overall this map has some real potential if you put the effort into making adjustments. Something to also note about making gameplay videos of your map, try to do active things while recording and avoid scoped weapons to people can get a better feel for the map rather than the single point of view of a sniper hanging out in the initial spawn.
I like this map a lot, I really do, but I just have to say this one thing to Pyro first, a warthog flying through the air seems pretty noticeable to me? Sorry, I did not intend to be rude about that or anything, just my opinion. But, maybe put a little bit more cover up on top of the defenders base though? Anyways, great map, I really like it, along with the bridge. The only thing I didn't like though would be how close the defender's and attacker's spawns are in the first phase, maybe spread them apart really far, like have them spawn behind the toll booth and make the toll booth larger so you can't see right past it.
I always thought it would be too, but the last place people expect a warthog is way up in the air. I've gotten warthogs into the bases on paradiso without the enemy noticing by doing that although it's much more difficult without the ramp. The same thing goes for hemmorhage where the last place they expect a warthog to come into their base from is the hole in the roof. Trust me on this one; I've been driving warthogs a long time.
This ^... and the objectives are essentially one objective since you have LOS between them both. What I mean by that is that a player is not really abandoning one to fight for the other. There is no need to choose between the two. And I would add that the concept of bro spawning areas needs to be carried through all phases as well. The vehicles sort of hide that fact in the video. It is nice to see a real critique of Invasion game play...
Well, this map looks great for Invasion, but I would like to point out a few things first. 1. The gate objective in the second phase, the one captured in the video, seems too far away from the other. Unless Elites can spawn nearby, it may be a problem. 2. The rock bridge in the third phase could be smoothened out a bit. Also, the thread title needs to be ONLY the title of the map, and 3:35 in the video was an epic win.