CODENAME: OUTPOST BRAVO 2 12 long years after the war when sector 14 bravo was returning home on arial transport when they got the devistating distress call from below. Begin transmission HELP,.........CREATURES.....ATTACK....INFECTED, CONTAGIOUS....! Transmission TERMINATED The outpost was abandoned a few years ago when stations were no longer needed on this "abandoned" star system. your mission is, Drop, Attack, Defend and Pray. you are advised to take refuge in this abandoned manision. but beware after years of ware and tear there are flaws in the arcitecture and other ways to exit......or enter the building. Forge devils at "work" Zombie spawn and back scenery, and cover The abandoned OUTPOST. The zombie spawn. (Up in the tubes, then they shoot down) The human CANNON spawn. Underview of scenery and bunker. Major Overview. This map was made COMPLETELY by Spazmonkey92 and helped by berkgina. Heres a link to the map and the gametype Reccomended for the map. MAP LINK GAMTYPE LINK
dude you got this posted so fast. btw good idea posting it in forge so everyone can see the spawns but for there benifit you should add some more whenever you can especially insid the bunkers. but still the map turned out awsome
This looks great! I may download, mainly because it looks so good. The interlocking looks great, and the concept looks great too. However, some of the areas seem a bit...flawed. As in, the man cannons launch, there are areas the zombies/ humans can just walk out. That's probably there for a reason, however, I'm just an idiot. Great map, though. Good job. 8/10.
sorry i didnt explain that, i wanted all rooms to have more than 1 way onto it to prevent camping, so i thought, when they spawn theyll get thrown out, that didnt work so i put the back door on and left the man cannons. to make it more fun.
Most likely, he deleted the wall covering the human spawn points so that he could give you a correct idea of where the humans spawn. It's actually a very smart human start. 10/10. Very original. I'll play it most likely when the maps come out on 4/9/09. Thank you Bungie!
This map looks like a lot of fun. it seems to be a little too open though for a zombie map. One question, what would you suggest for a game type. Would normal Infection work or would you recommend changing certain. I am going to download this and see if I can get a good game going even though most of my friends don't have the Mythic Map pack. Right mow it gets a 4/5 but that could change depending on how game play is. p.s.- Love the human and zombie spawn.
ok im working on a gmetype exept i ran out of space on my fileshare and i ran out of time on the xbox (stupid parents) ill make 1 now. OK THE GAMETYPE IS NOW UP AND ONLINE.
it looks okay. but couldnt everyone just kill the zombs when they came out of the "chute" other then that the outpost looks pretty neat maybe you should make this in skybubble so people cant run away