UPDATE : v2 is in the link and looks even cooler without glitches( unwanted ones ) and fixes that needed to be made! This is it, the hardest of them all. Outcast by Death Panda x. Play with Brain Hell gametype. This is not only an extremely hard thing to do but has some never before seen glitches and funky ways of doing things. please before you looks at the picks tell me if you find ANY mistakes and i will be greatful! Now time for the pictures of the Tests Test one : Ops, I did it again! [/url] Test two : Climb the Mountain Test three : Go Back 'n' do it again! URL="http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/51F8FBD7BC3D72A8701A872A0553F14B/"][/url] Test four : That ***** threw a bomb in my window! Test five : I can Fly! Test six : I can do it, oh ****, dam you Fast Food!!! Test seven: Who the **** stole my ladder?!?! Test eight : In 'n' Out Test eight : I found oil tanks, woot! woot! Now its time to love em glitches! I mean everything is better to get help you move! Download OutCast : Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Brain Hell : Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Outcast Guide : Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details And thank you for keeping these forums for the map so Colorful!
thats fine i guess but i made v2 already because there were some lil messes like dumpster disappearing and a random turrent. i never said geo merging was new but that cage in the hallway isant something you see everyday or the stairs in the double box like that. and its probly not the hardest of them all but thats ok why a 3/5?!?!? 7/7 friends of mine said they loved it and tey wanted to redo it over and over i guess ill wait to you get back
Dude this map is Crazy AWSOME!!! like i played it 3 times becuz of how fun it was. ya the second time i played i would that dumper glitch so i cant wait to see what youv got at v2. also i guess im not as good of a forger as i thought becuz i have no idea how u got that cage in there!!! did you geo merge it?? 5/5 Keep on forging Death Panda x
Wow thanks,you really made this map look good but thats like the exact same thing my friends said lol, ya once i wake up tommorow ill have v2 up and ready to go And thank you for keping these forums for the map so colorful!