Outcast: a Map used for slayer. 6-8 players. has all basic weapons and plenty of cover. Fully Interlocked. Here are the Pics: Here's the link:Outcast
Hmm...Seems a little too open in some areas, I like how you Interlocked everything, It would help if you had more pictures of some other areas of the map. 4/5
The Middle may be a little too open for comfort, but I think that This could be fixed, unless of course you used the infinite money glitch. The structure around the middle is well thought out, I just do think you need to add a little more to it. On another note, you did accomplish something with the merging. Keep Forging!
thanx Flymingo. i am a pretty good forger and if at anytime your wellcome to help me. i don't use the infinite money glitch because i like to plan to use less money