OutBreak V4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Insane117, May 28, 2009.

  1. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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    Outbreak V4

    Map Canvas:

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    Supported Gametypes:
    The Hive



    Welcome everyone to the final OutBreak map of the series. I worked really hard on this and did some testing. some well went good and bad. Anyway this part of the series takes place in a hospital that you must go to then get out of. I hope everyone has fun on it and uses teamwork to win.

    1. Run into the hospital(zombies are behind you)
    2. Grab whatever weapons you can find
    3. Find the key (power drainer)
    4. Find the door and unlock it
    5. Get the grav lift that can open up the Thermal Tempature Room

    Where we last left off the survivors escaped from the umbrella lab in freezing below. Now they find themselves running from zombie and the survivors run to the hospital. Some Said "head to the hospital we will be safe and there maybe a survivor" Wrong not a good idea at all. They make it into the hospital and find out the lights are off and then a doctor in the hospital powers them up. The bad thing about this is the doc gets killed by leech man a monster that monster that can only be burned to die. So the survivors run everywhere when leech man and zombies come through the vents. The humans find a thermal room and burn him to the ground. They do escape but........

    1. Becareful when your in the hospital
    2. Dont be nere the vents
    3. Use teamwork
    4. Use flares for light if needed
    5. Move frequantly so leech man doesnt trap you.
    6. Zombies use camo to attack secretly
    7. Use every vent for tactical advantage
    8. Use darkness as cover
    9. Last but not least have fun

    Br(secret weapon)
    Rocket launcher(secret Weapon)


    Power drainer
    Trip mine
    Grav lift

    Gloomy (30 sec's)

    Red light(30 secs)
    Blue lights (90secs)

    Brief video to show who your enemies are and what you could do.

    Time for pics....

    Overview pic

    Overview number two telling where camo and custom is.

    Here is where you spawn. You run not fight. You will die if you dont run.

    Custom spawn in 90 sec's

    Here is the location of the key

    Here is the doo becareful how you throw the power drainer

    Grav lift in the room grab it and move out of there.

    Throw grav here and get in the thermal room

    Heres Some action pics...




    This location is nere the door

    Trip mine

    A Bed

    Oh look a zombie comming out of the vents

    Gametype info:
    150 gravity
    90 speed
    75 attack modifier
    150 damage resistance plus shields
    4:00 mins
    plasma pistol as spawn weapon
    no radar

    200 damage resistance
    100 speed
    150 gravity
    spawn with sword
    attack modiefer 50
    enable headshots
    no shields
    radar 10 meters

    Custom powerup
    90 secs wears off
    spawn 90s
    4x overshields
    75 speed
    150 gravity
    200 damage resistance
    leech 10%
    attack modier 25
    shield recharge normal

    Flawes of the map if lag occurs:
    1. Lights spawn later
    2. May spawn not outside but inside hospital
    Updates after testing:
    1. Lights spawn earlier
    2. Filters not on all at once juicy is only on at first not as dark.
    3. Gloomy spawns later
    4. Spawn fixed better
    5. added extra room
    If you want to download the other outbreaks maps of the series.

    #1 Insane117, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009

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