Welcome one and all to part two to OutBreak V2 its my last map on foundry and its on to sandbox now. Anyway this is my new map very fun and Strategic. Use must use strategy to win if your a zombie. Humans stay together watch your ass. Story: Well i left off at the canal so ill begin there. You and the other survivors made it out of J's bar and now have to get to main street. The survivors are surrounded and outnumbered they must go through ambushes and tons of zombies. The survivors get to main street and then these cops are trying to blow up the dam place.The cops eventually get bitten but you must hold up at the bridge where a horde of zombies come at you. After the Humans blowup main street they survive For now.... To Be Continued....... Weapons on map Br Ar Mauler Machine gun turret Sword Magnum SMG Shotgun equipment regenerator trip mine What to do: get out of the canal,then go through sewer and then get to main street and hold off. Ok we got the canal here you must hold off in this area for 30 secs. window panals will spawn to get you out of there. zombies come from both sides. Window panals Here one part of the sewer. go through the door but watch the right side. the lower sewer entrance left or right? The ladder wait 60 secs thats it for that. oh watch your back. These teleporters are where you want to go in. zombies spawn here later in the game. oh dont go through the last on in the back. Main Street must hold out here. Yeah i know theres a turret wow who cares there is a super zombie in the game just pick up custom powerup and you become invulerable for 15 secs or 10 doesnt matter. Boom! The escape root get in the truck as fast as you can. Here's video of the actual scene of the explosion on main street http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMLrXJxcAhY Recommended Players(8-12) Please look at the first outBreak really fun too. Downloads Here Map:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details If you have any questions on map please tell me.
this map looks epic fun congrats on that. But problems. I see a way 2 get out (on main street u can jump on a barrier and onto the single open box or grenade jump on it and jump 2 the lower double box wall and escape! O noes! u can fix that but thats not the worst. The asthetics are lovely, from the ladder to the sewage wreckage. Nice story i read the 1st now 2 but what cops? lol ill give it for asthetics 5/5 and gameplay overview a 9.5/10. Wonderful job
The map looks completely different from the first version. I think you should have called it something else (such as Outburst), and it might get more downloads that way as well. It looks like it plays better too, which is good. I assume the gametype stayed the same as well, or am I wrong?
It is pretty much the same just did so different things so zombies and humans have a chance. Oh this is what happens after the truck blows up in the first one. it is pretty much continued from there.