<>This map pack includes avalanche, blackout, isolation,last resort, construct, cold storage, sandtrap,the pit, snowbound,and foundry.<> [>Some amazing maps you see and play on are out side maps. I made this map pack so i would beable to see more of the unique maps.I hope every one enjoys it and downloads it<] First up= Snowbound <>outside snowbound blackout avalanche the pit isolation cold storage foundry construct last resort santrap Well there you go. I will warn you not to got to far, almost everymap makes you die when to far.In cold storage i couldnt fit the teleporter in so i just made a set up for you to go into the secret room. You should spawn next to it, If you dont, its in the hall next to the flood tube.Also in last resort, theres a trail you can follow wich leads you to the left side of the building. When you are out of the map on last resort, jump, youll get a very nice suprise.Have fun with them. Update: when on last resort go through the botom of the teleported when you moniter,if you dont you die fairly quick
Sorry to tell you this, but there are hundreds, if not thousands, if not tens of thousands who now these glitchs. Nothing unique. Mabye you should have made maps using those maps.
ive only seen a few maps using the outside glitches, i just wanted to post a bunch because i love to see maps out side. im not saying this is unique im just saying some of the maps that have been made are.
you don't know ohw old these glitche are the easyest ones are foundry and the pit the only way i will be amazid if osmeone finds a way to get to that very top room all those walk ways are going into on the pit
nah man it is a legit post but i dont think it was really necessary because most of these are simple and take a few minutes to do
they're gith, lots of people can do this, unfortunately, theres not much we could add onto this map, because you die, the out of cold storage looks like it would be forgeable too.
have you played halo online? most people are to lazy to even do anyhting but talk **** in the pre game lobby
DC perfect cause i didn't know how to get outside of these maps and a quick question, can you drive on the outer ring of sandtrap?
i dont think that this was to show people how he found this out i think it was more of a convenience thing i appreciate it and what is that surprise you are talking about
Good to see that you got out of the other maps too, you did it pretty quick, too. But I think you should add some Scenery outside of the maps, so there's something to do instead of just hanging around outside of the map. But yeah still awesome, when are the next maps coming out?
Well this may be useful to some people. I personally don't have the know-how or am too lazy/sucky to get out of most maps, but i usually make my maps in-map. but it may help someppl so good job.
I haved forged inside and out of Cold Storage but have found it is extremely difficult to remain alive. However, I have captured a person in the medical tube with the true-form flood.