Out Post Out Post is a symmetrical map of two basis made on the ground level of Sandbox, and is well designed for team game types such as, Slayer, CTF, and Assault. This map was built to accommodate 8 to 10 players. Less than the suggested amount my become slow, and more than the suggested amount my become a little crowded. I,m looking for serious responses, such as if you (the viewer) liked the map, and/or what you think might make it a better more enjoyable map to play on. Items on Map Weapons: Battle Rifle x7 (30 sec, 2 clips) Sniper Rifle x2 (180 sec, 2 clips) Plasma Pistol x1 (30 sec) Brute Shot x2 (60 sec, 2 clips) Rocket Launcher x1 (180 sec, 1 clip) covenant Carbine x4 (30 sec, 2 clips) Mauler x2 (45 sec, 1 clip) Equipment: Plasma Grenade x8 (10 sec) Regenerator x2 (120 sec) Bubble Shield x2 (120 sec) Power Drain x2 (120 sec) Overshield x1 (180 sec) Vehicles: Mongoose x4 (10 sec) Chopper x2 (90 sec) Warthag x2 (90 sec) Pictures Overview Overview from Red Base Overview from Blue Base Rocket Spawn Overshield Red Sniper Spawn Blue Sniper Spawn Download Here! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
well this looks like a rather nice map, I love the way how you put the obelixes around the field which give an enclosed feeling, also the sniper spawns give me a last resort feeling with the sniper spawn in the little bunker, the block angles over at rocket spawn and the temple for the overshield look awesome. The point I wanna make is that, you did a great job on all of those details, I can't tell if the gameplay is good though, imagine the snipers being used alot and they would control the entire field however the temple of the overshield would turn out to be a nice face-off area. At any rate, great job and I hope to see more of your maps. PS: you should also put up some pictures of the bases, so everybody can have a closer look at them, great job again ;D
i thought that out post was going to be a single based asymetrical map, not a version of the original sandbox. But the map does look pretty nice and some forging is needed but all in all its an ok map 3.5/5
I tried to break this map, but it didn't work. The weapons are well spaced, but it doesn't work well with few people. I don't like how close some of the equipment is, but overall, I like the idea of using a lot of sandboxes canvas. There weren't any bumps in the map and the vehicles work well as long as they stay on the ground floor. The rocket launcher is one of those "jump to get it" weapons. All and all I think it stayed true to sandbox. The bases work well, but it's to easy to trap someone with the rockets. Consider making a back way out. It's kinda fun to drive to warthog around in impossible areas. Just to see it flip and do wheelies. The missile pods balance the map, but with them you can't get into matchmaking. Consider Spartan Lasers. The Sniper rifle is to overpowered unless you have another power weapon.
Siahsargus, you said that if missile pods are on the map it can't be accepted into matchmaking. When I wen't to Atlas and looked at the item list of acceptable weapons it was on it. I was wondering if you could explain what you said so that I understand.
I really like the apperece that the obelisks make on the map. The other structures are really nice too though. 3.75/5