Just came back and booted up Halo after not playing it for about a week and a half, and this is what I got on my first game of the day. I went 48 for 16, with 30 BR kills, but I still wasn't able to overcome the sheer ineptitude of my teammates, two of which quit before the game started. Ah well. Still, I thought this was pretty decent, no? YouTube - Out-BR Frenzy
First couple are out BRs, but after that its really just nade shots or they aren't looking. It's alright though.
Eh. Yeah. It's slightly misleading, I guess. I didn't know how else to mention that I out-BR'd some people and got a Frenzy in one title. Oops.
Nice vid. I'm not too great with the BR, but I can see you're pretty good yourself. AND you're like the first person to not use Silverlight!! Just for that I'll rate 5 stars!! lol
It's not bad...just a killing frenzy, though. Your BR is really sloppy. Try a 1 or 2 sensitivity and it'll get a LOT better.
Pfft. It's not sloppy... and 1 and 2 are waayyy too slow. And remember, this was my first game after not playing for over a week.
What do you call :37? Your BR is terrible there. Plus, a week is only seven days, you know... The fact of the matter is that the BR is the best weapon in the game, and you're not that good with it. 1 and 2 sensitivities seem slow at first, but you get used to them. Then it feels like you're playing normally, except you have a good BR. Try it.
Your connection advantage is ridiculous, your br is pretty bad, your strafing and timing of jumps is bad, and 1-3 sensitivities are the best.
0:37, "UR MOM JERKS ME" lol XD Nice stuff going on here, nothing crazy awesome but still worth sharing.
throwing a power drain at someone while there shoting you isnt an out BR. killing someone thats oneshot after they kill you isnt an out BR.
The first 2 guys were shooting at the ground. I think you have trouble getting onto the guys' heads quick enough. You got lucky. Plus, you seem to flail about as you shoot. I'd suggest trying to play on 1 or 2. If you think that's ridiculous, here's the vid I just posted of me, playing on 1. Especially watch at 6:12. That's how easy it is to lock on with 1. YouTube - Orbital Perfection Spree- ZANDER1994
How can you tell? I'm not being aggressive by asking, I'm just wondering how can you see the connection advantage in the vid? What kind of stuff gives something like that away? ...And yes, maybe I will try a lower sensitivity. We'll see how it works. I think I'll try 2 first. Oh, and I know 0:37 is ****ing terrible... I knew that as it happened. I literally thought, "Wow, that sucked serious ass," just after it happened.
The gap in time between a shot landing and the damage you have dealt becoming visible. Being able to land a headshot to kill that is indentifiablye as the first or second bullet in the burst, or even landing a killing headshot in your first burst. Things like that give you a huge edge. I'm not saying your bad for having this though, i just feel if it's a definite advantage.