Hi all. This is my newest project, Ouroboros (if you're not familiar with the term, it means a snake eating its own tail, forming a circle). I had this idea a couple nights ago and in one long build yesterday it all came together. I just finished adding spawns, weapons and gametypes this morning, and am ready to start testing today or tomorrow. The core concept of the map came from this: I was reflecting on why Narrows has been a popular map to remake and re-imagine in Reach. I believe it's because it was a great objective map (flag and assault) for 4v4 - many standard slayer maps are not, because there's not enough physical distance between the two objective spawns and bases. Also because of the BR battles between the bases and top bridge, and the intricate interplay between the two or three levels of the bridge. Finally, the bridge's curved shape provides natural cover from enemies far enough away, which is a great design concept. As I was trying to think of a way to base something off of this model, a thought occurred - what about a similar design to Narrows, but longer and wrapped around into a circle? That's how this came about. Ouroboros essentially has two Narrows-ian bridges attached at the ends (the bases) and the whole thing is curved into a circle. There are also Narrows-like mancannons that fire you through an imposing central structure, and yes, you can smack into another player and fall to your death. At the same time, no particular aspect of this map directly copies from Narrows - it's more like the same principles for design have been rearranged, reinvented, and turned into something quite new. Screenshots - overview underneath red side underneath blue side central structure top of red bridge blue base
Like I said, it was a one-day build - I started and finished it yesterday, except for weapons/spawns/gametypes which were done this morning.
I applaud your ingenious conceptual re-imagination of narrows! Your ideas and maps never fail to amaze me! Can't wait to get some tests on this!
Spartan! Holy ****, you live. We should get together a reunion game with Requiem Fiasco, he's still on Live sometimes (though rarely playing Halo now). Thanks man, I'm sure it won't be long. I'm about to go do a fly-through on this and maybe make a few tiny changes.
Like I said when playing this, this map is fun and it's fresh like hot pizza. It's still a symmetrical 4v4 map, likw most of the other pizza around, but it's not cold pizza like most other maps because it's actually fairly uniqe and interesting. The circular layout is cool, and while I like the name (and actually know what an Ouroboros is), I would suggest changing it as it's kind of a strange word and may be hard to pronounce for those who haven't seen the word before. You could try Midgard, as the midgard Serpent is actually similar to an ouroboros. Anyways, congrats on making a good map with a fresh feel.
May I advise a different name? Ouroboros only makes me think of the enemy from RE5 I would call the map something less...Allusive? Maybe something similar to Rotation? tl:dr a simpler name.
Thanks man - your pizza analogy stands up just as much online as it did over Live. Midgard isn't a bad choice and it's certainly easier to pronounce - plus it sounds like Midship, which is a nifty-though-accidental way to promote the map a little bit. I may have to go with that.
I think the name is fine how it is, and the map itself too. XD Looks really cool, I hope I get to play on it when Duck is online.
I Agree with Inferno! Don't change the name! Every other map has a stupid simple name that has no meaning. This name is unique and it actually has a meaning relative to the maps design! Plus people will remember it for its unique name and design!
Not sure if you need testers or not (looks really polished just from the pictures) but if you need people to help test it add me, I would love to help.
Thanks, send me a friend request and I'll see if I can get you into a session this week. I've managed to run a few games on it already and there were no unpleasant surprises, so if I can get in a few more this week it should be about ready to release. Monday night from 7-10 Eastern is GrenadeGorilla's regular customs night so I imagine we'll be playing the map at least once then.
I had a design somewhat akin to this at the beginning of Reach, though the main difference was the fact that mine had a pathway through the middle. The thing about objective games, is that you've got to create subtle chokepoints every so often. Without those, the game will just disintegrate into a constant circle of flag-capturing. Try and do that, if you can. I'd also recommend a different middle LoS blocker, the large walkway covers look a bit silly, and could easily cause lag.
There should already be that sort of choke point going in and out of each base, as well as in different places on the bridges depending which way the flag carrier goes. I got a 2-flag test in recently that went well, but I need to run it more still. Personally I like the way they look, and haven't had any lag from it yet. But if playtesting discovers a problem there I might change it out.
Wow, this looks amazing and awesome (even though they're both the same word)! My only question is how much cover there is?
I think it's quite a bit actually. The downstairs areas of each bridge have a lot. The bases have a lot as well. The tops of the bridges are the most open but still have those rows of braces, and that is probably plenty considering how powerful that position is. Besides all that, you get a lot of natural cover from the elevation changes and the map's curvature, as long as you keep plenty of distance between you and the enemy.