Ossuary: means a place or receptacle for the bones of the dead. The idea for the name comes from the headstone like covers all about the attackers field. Description: OK this is a one sided only ctf or assault map. There are a couple of deistic features that I would like to point out, like the turret. I found a good system that allows the player full movement and control but it can never be driven. The Guass cannon is the defenders weapon, the attackers can get the rocket launcher and blow it up and only it as the rocket has only 2 shots. So there is some good strategy to it all. I wanted some cool thing on my map and I thought a door way. So I was making it and I wanted to separate the main part from the sniper room so I built a really cool door way. It is best to see it, and I wanted to have a old classic Halo 1 thing in it so I brought in some headstones via. hang em high. Ok now weapons list Rocket Launcher 1x 60 sec respawn 0 extra Smg 2x Battle Rifle 2x Assault rifle x3 Shotgun x1 45 sec respawn Sniper Rifle x1 45 sec respawn Frag Grenades x6 Spike Grenadesx4 Vehicles: Warthog x2 Gauss "turret" x1 Copper (unusable) x1 Enough Boring stuff time for pictures and a video http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?vi...efault.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskJlf45dMHqr3jFnazm4FlvW Pictures: Shoot of the Door Back shoot of the Door and room large area in the base. Overview Shot Blue Base View( not much to see though) Download Link: Map Link
Very odd. Looks to me like you got lazy and decided not to merge the floors. This is something I would do as well as delete the barriers. They just don't fit in with the overall map. This is not harsh criticism, it is constructive - FLY
I am all for constructive criticism and I will consider what you suggested. Ok yeah I did get a little lazy, but I am going to get all the feedback I can and see what people want fixed. The barriers are really useful when running to the base for the attackers, the turret can rip them to shreds so I thought why not have some cover.
looks pretty cool. I think you should've taken the time to interlock those double boxes, but that's just me, or is it? Also, have you tested this map because a 45 sec respawn on sniper and shotgun is way too short for any map, no matter the circumstances.
wow, this looks really cool! really creative nice idea and it looks really neat and everything, i really like the look of it, well done!
Well, this is some good feed back, looks like I got some work to do, and zto maybe you are looking for um, I don't even know. I tried to make the map feel its own and also play good.