FORGE HUBBBBBBB <3 First im going to say i love all of you and i cant wait to release the map and in true Nyte fashion im going to give you a map preview but with only one picture because im such a dbag <3 This is just an overview of Orthoepy and i cant wait to play it and test it so if you guys want to help test it with me before i release it my gamertag is; RusH Nyte. Set up for MLG play. Set up for TS and CTF and im surprised that there is no Oddball in MLG. This is supposed to be very very fast paced, and the top image is from the sketchup and bottom is from the actual map, as you can see there are some changes.
Interesting layout. I can see a few extra areas i think that werent on the initial design. If i'm knocking about, drop me a message for testing.