This is my new project, Orpheus. It's a three leveled mix of close combat and long lines of sight. Weapons 1 Pro-pipe/90sec/4 clip 4 DMR/60sec/2 clip 4 frag/15sec 2 Concussion Rifle/75sec/ 3 clip 1 sword/120sec 1 Focus Rifle/90sec 8 Needle Rifle/45sec/2 clip 1 Plasma Launcher/180 sec 12 Plasma repaeters/30 sec 14 stickies/15 sec 2 Shade Turrets/180 secs YouTube - Orpheus Preview (Halo Reach Forge Map) [br][/br]Edited by merge: I would like help testing, lemme know if you are interested.
I like the looks of this, the corridors especially. I'm a sucker for that kind of gameplay and forged maps (except for remakes) don't often include it. I have just a few concerns from the preview: - There's some very visible z-fighting near the top. Easy to fix of course. - The shade turrets seem to be in weird spots. Why did you choose to include them? It looks like they wouldn't turn very well where they are located. - That block in the center looks like it would be irritating when navigating the ramps it's merged into. If that is there for cover, maybe you could replace it with something floating or hung from the ceiling, that could be walked underneath.
The Shade turrets are to cover that hallway that links the two bases, because in CTF games you can get from base to base in seconds via that hallway, and if both those turrets are being manned, the hallway becomes less of an instant-win hallway. Like a risk vs reward thing. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Update. Already fixed the Z-clipping in the newest version.