He also doesn't look like he'd be much use as a builder either. Unless he's the ***** they send to get their lunch like I do with the new guy I'm training.
I love you both too. -__- I actually do a ****ing lot thank you very much way. And believe it or not but I am 19, just take it or leave it ffs.
i dont know why your acting like that guys. he looks to me to be a sienor member. (hence the f*ck*ng bar being full and stuff) so yea. hi from teh n00b.
Thanks, but being a senior member really has nothing to do with the real world xillian... Anyways, you play Warhammer 40k? I am standard Space Marines, damn the Chaos!
It's because (wait for it) We're joking!!! Yay!!! See, that's what people who (sort of) know each other do here at FH from time to time. It's fun, you should try it. Especially when it's for members who make intro threads long after they've been around (a shining example right here). Please, allow me to help remove the rather large stick up your ass...
wow, if tex is able to get away with it i'm going to go make me an intro thread... tomorrow, i'm tired now...