vey nice sry i didnt reply to this sooner. im glad i inspired you. this is a good post with all of your info on, even your youtube. i shall be looking back and forth on this every once in awile.
I'm gonna come to your house and beat you up! I've been to Rockford, but only to the Oasis on the highway for lunch on a roadtrip
OMG The Oasis is rather cool imo... Nothing too amazing, but I think it should be done at all highway roadstops dun beet me up pl0x
they're taking out some of the places there, and that would be sweet if they were at all exits, but then they'd allnot make enough money and they'd all go out of business and we'dhane no oasises
How do you doubt it? Actually you know what, believe it or not (As the ol' expression goes.), it's the truth.
No, I'm not trying to offend you, lol.... It's just look younger... See?!? It's a compliment! Rofl
Lol, sorry, you came off a bit...demeaning at first...with the "I doubt it." As though I were trying to lie... Which, what exactly would be the point to lie about that? =/
welcomz to teh forgehub have a nice day free cookies located in the main lobby ZOMG howd you get so many posts and rep in a week and loyal tehe
19 my ass! You're going to be carded for the next 20 years, you realize that, right? ;-b Anyway, welcome to blahblahsuckupformorerepblahblahrimjobblah.