
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by SEspider, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Let me start off by saying hello again to everyone. I rarely visit Forge Hub because the incredible work by the site's Forging Community (you guys), is VERY intimidating. That and my forging attempts tend to be overlooked a great deal in comparison. lol But I've realized that I shall not improve if I don't seek help from the professionals. So here I am...again. ;)

    Unlike other Forgers, I tend to focus on the game's default game-types so my maps don't need a custom game-type to be played. Player Traits make that a little easier in Halo4. So I present my map Origins. A simple map created on the larger island of the Forge Island DLC map. I had a simple goal in mind when I started on the map. 'Bring back memories from Halo:Combat Evolved.' I wanted the map to be very easy to navigate and recognizable. Sadly the low Rock/Building/Tree budget made this difficult. And the map is not (currently) as ecstatically pleasing as I wish. And I expect major changes to be made once feedback is provided. Enough talk. Here's the info as posted on H.B.O. forums:

    Map Name: Origins Layout
    This is a simple layout and VERY easy to navigate for Halo Vets. For every structure is based off of a classic structure/area from the Original Halo.

    1) Included are is the first structure we run into when we first "land" on Halo (just before the "This is not a natural formation. Someone must have built it") and is home to the Blues. Sadly, I did have to make cosmetic changes to the base's structure. Also known as the main FireFight structure on the Instillation 04 map.

    2) The Reds get the Beach structure and the Covie Sniper Tower. But less space and a little more cover and vantage point.

    3) No team spawns have been made for Gold and Purple bases (yet).Purple base is the side structure also found on the Instillation 04 map.
    There is a Waith that spawns near this structure. Thus between Red and Blue bases.

    4) Gold base started off as the circular structure where we first encounter the Hunters in Halo CE. Changes were made to give players more cover and vehicles more room to roam around. I ended up converting it to the central satellite disk found on Pinnacle. Only now it's off the ground and....well that's the only similarity really. A Banshee once spawned near this base but proved too powerful in the one test of the map. It has now been replaced with a Rocket Hog.

    5) Between Red and Blue base there is a rock structure/cave. The center of which both teams meet. This area is designed to be similar to the room where we encounter the Hunters for the 2nd time. The one with all of the Covie Crates tossed about in Halo:CE. Only now the crates are human and there's a ledge on both sides of the room.

    6) This same rock structure is between Gold and Purple bases. However, instead of reaching one another via the cave/room, players must enter a teleporter from either base. These teleporters lead players to the opposite ends of a long and wide room. It's the same below ground room where we rescue Marines on the original Halo after landing/crashing on it. There were also a number of Grunts and Jackals in this area. On the Instillation 04 DLC map in Halo Reach, it is the area that 343 travels through but we can not.

    Initial Ordinance Drop Weapons
    2 Snipers Rifles
    2 Shotguns
    1 Rocket Launcher
    Number of Plasma/Frag Grenades
    2 Assault Rifles
    2 Needlers

    Random Ordinance Drop Weapons

    Needler/Fuel Rod Cannon

    Player Trait Zone Settings

    One Trait Zone that covers the entire play area.
    -500% Fall Damage (does not seem to do anything at all)
    -No Armor Abilities
    -110% Speed

    Red and Blue get their own Hologram Warthogs
    1 Rocket Hog
    1 Waith

    There are plenty of areas to move around. Easy to avoid vehicles if you're careful. Stick to the buildings for cover. For there are lots of open ground and vertical areas. A number or rocky ramps have been included for Warthog Drivers. Just mind the edge and you'll be fine. ;) Long lines of sight for snipers and you DMR spammers. Plasma Pistols and all Forerunner weapons are only accessible via Loadouts and Personal Ordinance Drops. Sorry, but soft kill zones have been placed on the top of the map as well as on top of all trees and tall rocks. The downed tree at Red base may have to be removed for Flood games. Same for Gold/Purple teleporters. Testing will determine this.

    The below images were taken before the Banshee was replaced with a Rocket Hog.
    Map is still being worked on so some game-type settings may need to be tweaked.

    Please provide feedback from testing/run trough so I can improve the map.
    I'm already out of buildings and rocks due to the jacked up menu placement. Think I'm also out of Building blocks as well. So any ideas on how to help lower my Forge Object use without loosing features of the map would be greatly appreciated.

    I don't know why it only says it's only setup for Swat. I selected Swat, Slayer, Dominion, CTF, Oddball, Infinity Slayer. Heck, I even set it up for Grifball for kicks and giggles.

    ---EDIT 2---
    My Mistake. The link I provided went to the Fileshare. Meant to post to the file itself. Sorry about that.:
    File Share Halo Official Site

    #1 SEspider, Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013

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