Hey Everyone, When I got the Legendary Map Pack and went ahead and played on Blackout, I decided to make the original Cops n' Robbers. I closed of the Red room (Green room in Halo 2) and covered the opening with a shield door guarded by a gravity lift, which means your fellow robbers can save you (Or cop if you got stuck by mistake). So here are the screenshots of the map. The map is pretty much empty except for the teleporters and jail cell... P.C. Cell Door P.C. Cell (Interior) P.C. Prison (Outside) Now here are the Game type and Map... Cops n' Robbers Game Type Prison Cells Map Heres the remake of this map, this time... there is no escaping your cell, so be careful not to trip inside that teleporter in the middle. On this map I used doors to block off all of the entrances into the lift room, this includes, the open door at the end of the tunnel, the door leading to sniper spawn, and the door on top of the lift. I placed a single teleporter in the middle of the map to make things a little more hard for the cops. To play this map, just download the Cops n' Robbers Game Type above, and then download the map below. Prison Blocks Map
You probably could have added a bit more screenshots. Espeiclally with the effect you have on, its hard to see what anything is... or where it is.