Well, mine is kinda simple... I've liked the Covenant Elites since i saw them in the E3 2000 trailer for Halo so i decided to let people know who they were up against. The "07" part is the year i graduated High School. I was getting some static from people for having such an "obvious" name and i still do, so i've been toying with the idea of changing to either "SeperatistElite" or "SangheiliZealot"
Well... Sixpak is a move in volleyball where you spike the ball at someone's face so hard you knock them over and the VB is just short for volleyball...i also just like the sound of the name
I made this username ages ago... about 5 years ago or something. I was thinking of a name for my PS2 Online name to use, and this just popped into my head. I thought the word "Amazo" was cool and I Sage's rock so yeah, been using this tag for like ever.
my sirname is hodges so i decided to take that film overthehedge and stick my sirname instead of hedge taking away the 'S' in hodges. I thought it was witty, and have changed it since, however i came full circle and it now rests in peace as my gamertag. but at the end of the day, its what floats ur boat. isnt that why people have the free will to call themselves what they want?
Well, it all started during 11th grade, I used to get bored very easily during classes, so isntead of taking notes during lectures or doing work, i would draw cartoons and stuff. I was very quiet during most of these classes cause i was new to that school and didnt know anyone. This one guy next to me didnt know my name so he would call me Drawingman to grab my attention. He asked me one day if i wanted to hang out with him and his friends cause i was still somewhat of a loner, so i agreed, he took me to his hangout spot and instead of introducing me as "Edgar" he said, "this is Drawingman" and ever since that day eeeeveryone here calls me Drawingman, heck, half of my friends dont even know my real name haha. and thaaats my story.
I had some really dorky names when I tried to think of my gamertag. First, my name Matt. THat became MAD and than I just added kill.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y981cPUNiic[/youtube] im not just any hippie im a buisness hippie
it started with Halo CE. when i'd kill someone i'd continually shoot, hit or run over their dead body repeatedly... i'm not sadistic :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
Well... I have always been a Mario Bros. fan. So, I put in Super, then Mario and Luigi. It takes up all the space you can have too. I also can't pick between Luigi and Mario. :squirrel_wtf:
spankysully is mine spanky - a nic name from the 6th grade, cause my friends thought i looked like the guy from the Little Rascles sully - my last name sullivan, no explanation needed
When i used to play Halo 2 offline with my brothers they always called me "NOOB!" everytime i killed them. What was kinda funny was that they called me that name when they were seriously pissed and didn't see any humor in it at all. So, as a sort of joke to them i decided to give myself the gamertag "N3W8" with the numbers looking like letters sorta. Thus, N3W8 is born. Though, i now use the name shazbot in every other game i play now and im considering changing my tag to ShazBot j, the "j" just stands for my name Jordan cuz the name "ShazBot" alone is occupied. I first heard "Shazbot!" repeatedly from a character in a game i found for Ps2 for like $5 called "Tribes:Arial assault". The more i heard Shazbot, the more i loved that word/name.
I wanted an original name that I could use on every forum / community I was a member on and in every game I played without the possibility of it already being in use. So I flipped up a random page in a dictionary and put down my finger, I did it a couple of times until I landed on a word that could be cool to use, Gore. I did it a couple more times until I landed on the word Bound. Now we're almost there, but not quite yet. Instead of writing GoreBound I chose to use lower case letters simply because it looks ooh so much better. gorebound.
Couldn't think of anything. Everything I tried was used. So I made ukilledkenny7, Which I now think is a terrible gamertag, but o well.
Personally, I don't like Gamertags with numbers in them. How I came up with my GT is this simple: I Rule so hard! My e-mails, usernames and things like those always have to be original for me. If its taken, screw numbers I just add another word. (Unless the numbers like in my FH name are for a very good valid reason cus l33t wouldn't be l33t without a number in the word.)