Well... I live in australia, and I used to live on a farm. Somehow the word Flannel came into my head (you know, the type of shirt that heaps of farmers wear?) Uhh... Well i sometimes stink sooo...
So here's the deal, I move into my first house with two great friends, Shock Theta and Chelsh. The room in the house which I picked had the bed pushed into an alcove in the wall and I jokingly referred to it as a cave. Soon after it began being referred to as the Love Cave and when my good friend Shock Theta got me to play Halo C.E. for the first time (here's a bit of a confession) I called myself 10\/3 ©4\/3... I'm sorry but this was pretty much the first time EVER I had played a game where I got to choose the name of my profile and instead of getting that out of my system when I was younger it came out at the age of 20... So after some ridicule and some time spent actually having to type it out a few time's I went to the more easily writeable L0v3 C4v3 when I bought a 360 and signed up to Live and I've not regretted it since. Well that's my story and I would also like to thank everyone's previous posts since they have made an otherwise dull morning fairly entertaining.
well there was a comic book series (im pretty sure) called the adventures of Captain Biggles (im pretty sure tat was the title) it was about a WW2 pilot called Captian Biggles and i thought the name was funny so i called myself it.Unfortunatly Biggles was already taken so i put in Biggles2 and well it wasnt in use. I also got it from Dr Evils cat Mr Bigglesworth from Austin Powers
My name comes from a minor character in the Lego Bionicle series. Further research tells me that it is a Maori word meaning something to do with fire or flame. But sometimes the name Kapura is already taken, so I pick KapuraIII, because roman numerals are awesome.
a long time ago i just thought of the name played as it and was twice as good as i was befor i thought of the name
Might sound kinda corny, but a few summers ago, my friends and I were screwing around - Im a lifeguard at a pool, things get boring - and one of my friends announced "I TARZAN! OBEY ME!". It was weird. I claimed "NO, IM TARZAN!". Then hey said "NO, YOU NO TARZAN! You....you....YOU MOBOT!". Than I said "I MOBOT! OBEY ME!" And everyone said it sounded pretty cool, so i stuck with it.
I have always been a big Miami Dolphins fan so it seemed natural that it would be part of my GT. The Icing on the cake is that my brother often plays Madden on XBL, and Miami is atrocious so he is constantly having to explain why a guy named finfan297 is playing with the Carolina Panthers.
Soviet Union - Communism rocks! Skiing is awesome. Snowboarding is for arrogant, rude, and compensating punks.
Torke, was the name of a toy robot I use to play with back then, I remembered it and just added a 191 to meet any requirements a username would need for most forums/sites
my nickname is Hans, and I am hydrophobic so, after lots of namecalling, like, HydroHans, I started giving myself the online alias as Hansophobia nobody has ever taken it, so I love it!
I've had soooo many aliases....that I stuck with this one. There are two ways to say it, but most people call me Kia for short. About the origin? There are a few reasons....that I've never told anyone.. Try key effects.
(OPS as operations) I started in HaloC as Night OPS; started the OPS clan, that failed within a month... Changed to Black OPS, got in the [EW] clan, changed to [EW] 0PS. We converted to Halo:CE for a while but when that lost players we went back to regular PC After H2 came out, PC started to thin out, Clan Wars started to loose players so [EW] fell apart, I just went with OPS for a while. Sadly the leader of [EW] passed away due to a diabetes complications a while back after catching pneumonia, so [EW] just faded away completely. I started playing as Mr. 0PS as an inside joke between some friends, so that just stuck.
opo (pronounced oppo) is my imaginary friend. He is a hippo, and likes mozzarella cheese. My gamertag is named after him.
Im called caterbird because i love to read and when i decided to read a book called the edge chronicles there was a mythecil creture involved in it called a caterbird, it is the most mythical creture in all the edge and it is known as the creature of high wisdom and a greater power, sworn to protect thos at it's hatching that only happens once every 100 years, also i was gonna pick KILLER1 but it was taken, so i just thaught of a better name so yeah thats that, and sorry about not having a pic all over google and yahoo but no pic, kinda sucks. :squirrel_sad:
Mine is actually really lame. In Spanish class freshman year, we all had to have Spanish names. Mine was Rafael, shrotened to Rafa. I didn't know anyone in the class, so that was how they referred to me. And when my skills in Spanish earned me notoriety, the moniker "The" was added. And i turned 16 in 06, so.... TheRafa06. For some reason it always gets noticed in game lobbys. There's nothing overtly wierd about it, it just......gets noticed.
Turbo Gerbil604 the gamertag was my brother's idea, our gerbils had just passed away a couple of years ago and we thought that Turbo Gerbil was an awesome name, unfortuneately the name Turbo Gerbil was already taken, by some one whom I doubt even plays on Live anymore, so we added 604, which is the area code of British Columbia