Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Personally I dont think Phoenix 874 is bad name. Its just a name and a couple numbers. The ones i hate are like if it was "Ph03nIx 874"

    But yeah you did pick a pretty common name. I dont think its a big deal but if you really do want to change it you better think long and hard (mmm... long... hard...) about what you want to change to because that **** costs 10 dollars son.
  2. ULT1M4 G33K

    ULT1M4 G33K Ancient
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    And you thought his was bad?
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    My favorites are the ones that emphasize their drug habits. And oh so cleverly too. XBL will ban a name like Titmar but any knucklehead can throw a 420 at the end of their tag? arrgh...
  4. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Why do you say that?... A 'drone' is another word for a robot or a low,moaning, non-stop noise.

    Insane Robot822?

    Insane Moaning-Noise822?

  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    It still sounded better than "rejecting you" i dunno i guess its just me but i think ur new name is kinda tarded... dont change it again though u will waste another 10 bucks dude.
  6. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Well I never did the Xbox thing for the longest, I was a PS fanboy. But there I was in Iraq... and these guys I worked with always played Halo 2 all day (yes, at work), so when I joined in I just came up with Predicide on the spot by combining the suffix for "to kill" with predator. So it's "to kill a predator". I never looked it up to see if it's a real word, but I think it might be... So when I got my 360 it happened to be untaken as a gamertag, so I took it. I guess that would make it origional?
  7. Sharp Paper

    Sharp Paper Ancient
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    Me and my friends always played rock paper scissors during tests in like 5th grade and i always chose paper for some reason and i got halo pc for my b-day and i got a paper cut earlier in the day. so i chose Sharp Paper for two resons i wanted a funny name and in halo it would say you were killed by Sharp Paper and i didnt want a name with the word a in front like a airplane and stuff like like and ive stuck with the name for years and many people make fun of it but i usally end up pwning them in halo so thats the story of Sharp Paper
  8. guythestampede

    guythestampede Ancient
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    my GT came from my fav-o-rite Anime Trigun. it was origionally guythestampede named after Vash the stampede the main character. I joined a clan maby 2 months after and i changed it to KoG stampede but now the KoG part is probaly going to go a way. the clan became very split up so the leader and i started a new one but we don,t know what to call it but the KoG i going away. so now that you know, the less you don,t know.
  9. General Heed

    General Heed Ancient
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    General Heed, lots of people ask me where it is from. It all started a few years ago with a game called Runescape. I created my first acount called Kid general. However, that acount was a failure because as soon as I started, I attacked a lvl 2 Man and died lol. I lost all the items it had. So i made another acount and fought that lvl 2 Man again. Once again i died and lost everything. After about 20 acounts, I started running out of ideas for names. My most recent acount was named General Reed. So i decided that since I couldn't think of anything, I would just think of something that rhymes with Reed since that acount came close to succeeding. I thought of several names and finally chose Heed for no particular reason. After I created General Heed, I attacked the lvl 2 Man and this time I won the fight. Soon after, my General Heed acount improved and got stronger. 2 years later which is now, it has become a level 71 with high stats focused in the melee section as well as the prayer skills. It has also made lots of money in the game and has one of the best non-member armor (Full Gold-Trimmed Rune Armor (Rune G)). This was all in October 2007. Near the end of that month, I got an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live. On Xbox Live, I had to think of a good name for the gamertag. I saw how successful my General Heed acount on Runescape was so I decided to migrate General Heed from Runescape to General Heed on Xbox Live. Basically, General Heed has a legacy. So far, it's been a very successful acount on Xbox Live and Halo 3. Well, that's practically how I got the Gamertag, General Heed, because of a very simple online game called Runescape.
  10. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    Mine would be Masta Blasta, but that was taken so I changed a letter. I chose it because it has a nice ring to it and because I'm a master blaster.
  11. Craggus

    Craggus Ancient
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    not really a big deal but its my nick name...first names thats y there is dazzy,last names craig that y theres craggus,some random at school just called me craggus and its stuck with me ever since
  12. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    I don’t know how I came up with mine it just came but from it I thought up my buddy which is General Bark (like tree bark) the funny thing is we played all the time on h2 but their was only one person that figured it out
  13. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    "Rejecting You". It mean's I'm rejecting you, stopping you from going any futher, you meet me, your done, your rejected.
  14. systematic_chaos

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    systematic chaos is the last dream theater album i bought. i just thought it sounded wicked cool so i took it as my tag
  15. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    I wanted darknight but it was taken and this was the first thing in the suggestions box and I thought it sounded funny, but no one gets it and a lot of people think I'm gay so I'm gonna change it soon
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    looks like you got rejected titmar... um gay?
  17. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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  18. Lunatic Inferno

    Lunatic Inferno Ancient
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    I used to go under Lost927 on everything but i finally decided i needed a change this one popped in my head and has just stuck ever since.
  19. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    My friend used to be called Happy Emo but he changed his name to Atsumi Warrior. Why? WHY?
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    My gamertag is Nemihara. I use it because it's the same name as my anti-hero-type protagonist/antagonist in a small fiction I'm writing. In it, Nemihara is basically a Grim Reaper. He uses polearm weapons. Plus, it's practically the only name not being used on XBlive right now. Number names are -lame-.

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