Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.


    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
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    1: Splatter: I LOVE to hop in a warthog and paint it red with the blood of my opponents, and possibly teammates if I'm feeling extra trolly
    2: SPL4TTER: My habbit of occasionally using 1337 speak.
    3: SPL4TTERMAN: Sounds a bit like Spiderman, which is cool I guess.
    I used this for a while on CE, and decided it would be fitting to use as a GT. Luckily, It hadn't been taken, even though similar titles exist.
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    SECURITY because I'm a pro at getting gamertags.

    Strangely enough its harder to get my named changed on here than it is on Xbox LIVE.
  3. OceanicOctopus

    OceanicOctopus Forerunner

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    I started out on Xbox live and When i was making my name I was also watching a special about Octopuses and they said the word Oceanic and then I thought about OceanicOctopus.
  4. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Me and my friends started the FiiieDx clan. You had to create sometime of 4 letter word, then place FiiieDx at the end. I chose Pool, because thats my last name ;)
  5. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    My gamertag Is Shikarix59

    I got it from my favorite band "Enter Shikari" I wanted to be called Shikari then the x signified a space so Shikarix59 . 59 is my birthdate reverse 19[95]
  6. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Who is Zander.

    Because all of my friends call me Zander.

    And I also wanted people to say 'Who is Zander?' after I play an online match with them. Has happened twice so far.
  7. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    I thought of mine when me and my brothers played Halo 2 together. I always killed them with the sniper rifle, so I came up with Longshot. Simple as that.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Back in the Halo CE/LAN days, I used the name Cap'n Crunch. I thought it was funny since it has militaristic and violent overtones, yet is just a kids' breakfast cereal. When I finally made a Live account for Halo 2, I couldn't use that name so I made up a new one, megapwn (which is obviously just a play on words). Later I had problems with that account and started a new one, and once again wanted to have a name that was both somehow threatening yet actually quite silly. Somehow my mind went from teabagging to "Nutduster." And here we are. I get a lot of comments about it in pre-game lobbies - people think it's a funny name, which was really the point.
  9. Sentimentalnoos

    Sentimentalnoos Forerunner

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    My GT is Sentimentalnoos

    My wife actually came up with it for me because we both like Rob Zombie. My GT before this was Undeadpyro and that was for two reasons. I love to Romero films and I am a pyro. The other being I have died four times in my life and figure that I am undead and pyro.
  10. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    I had some pet goats in my early childhood. We sold them because they would always piss us off (bucking, charging, eating my shirts, ect.) Well when I got Xbox Live I wanted to make a memorial to them. I wanted to make my GT more epic than just Goathead so I added the Frozen from my signature in a Runescape Forum (lol) which was Stay Frozen. Well now I'm done with my story/rant. Cheers!
  11. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Well, oddly enough, the GT SouthernNumber1 was taken, so I replaced the o with a 0. I'm from Houston, that explains the S0uthern. Also, I played baseball for 10 years, and was always number 1. There you go.
  12. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    Mine is a little embarassing.

    I was watching Wow Wow Wubzy one day, because I was ready to commit suicide over boredom, and they said a bunch of weird words, including zigywig. So, when I got Xbox LIVE, I made my GT zigywig. It was stupid at first, but now I don't regret ever naming it that. I love my GT.
  13. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The "Trocity" part of my GT comes from Killtrocity (obviously) and the "El" part comes from the fact that some of my family call me "El", short for Elliot. So, I combined the two and found it has a nice ring to it. Also, El Trocity in Spanish is "The Trocity" which is kinda cool.

    I originally had the GT II elli0tH II, which it terrible, so I just had to change it in the end.
    #933 Elliot, Feb 8, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  14. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Mine comes from my schools mascot. I'm thinking about changing it to FOX since my uncle was one of the greatest halo 3 players, Fox
  15. DJ Angelight

    DJ Angelight Promethean

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    I never thought I'd see a thread like this, interesting. Well, anyways, here's mine.

    My gamertag used to be Nghtrain36 but after around 2 years of seeing that name, I decided it was time for a much needed change. Now you see, I have a SERIOUS angel obsession. I get it from my great-grandma, even though I'm not religious, I love angels. I see em as avatars of light and hope. ANYWAYS, I wanted a name that expressed my love for angels and also something that reflected with my DJ-like ways (not to mention that I was already mixing some nice trance songs together with my MIDI controller). I was also in need of a DJ name for when I got into the DJ'ing business. DJ came first, followed by Angel, but that was a little boring. Thinking about the qualities of angels, I came up with Angelight. Therefor, I am now DJ Angelight. A little bit girly, but I don't mind. Just representin' lol.
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Arcanine is my favorite pokemon. so i made my GT Arcanine. pretty simple
  17. iamalonewolf

    iamalonewolf Forerunner

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    My grandmother is from cuba and she used to call me "osito" (little bear) so my first gamertag was " ositopower " but soon i realized it was a little weird.
    So since the wolf is my favorite animal and i love halo my gamertag bacame " iamalonewolf "
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Was a huge Rise Against fan a while back (Still love them, but a wee bit less than the Airborne Toxic Event now) and so I chose Audience of One, as I thought that song title was a nice name for a GT. Turned out to become my alias in just about everything. So much better than my previous GT, iAdurin ( I think). That one was based off of a character in a story I started, but that story fell apart as did my like for that name. So glad I changed it (Even if it was a rip off at 10$)
  19. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    It was around 2004, I had just gotten an xbox because all the other consoles i owned were outdated. My dad and I figured we'd hook up xbox live to play halo 2 online, because i was so excited i decided to hit the random gamertag generator. The first one to come up was "SickBow." I didn't give it much thought at all and pretty much was like "sure, why not?"
  20. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    My older gamer tag was "jx Inimical xj" so the abbreviation is "jxIxj" and my favorite rap group is 116clique so I put that as my new gamer tag with jxIxj at the end so that people would know that it was still me.

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