1: Splatter: I LOVE to hop in a warthog and paint it red with the blood of my opponents, and possibly teammates if I'm feeling extra trolly 2: SPL4TTER: My habbit of occasionally using 1337 speak. 3: SPL4TTERMAN: Sounds a bit like Spiderman, which is cool I guess. I used this for a while on CE, and decided it would be fitting to use as a GT. Luckily, It hadn't been taken, even though similar titles exist.
SECURITY because I'm a pro at getting gamertags. Strangely enough its harder to get my named changed on here than it is on Xbox LIVE.
I started out on Xbox live and When i was making my name I was also watching a special about Octopuses and they said the word Oceanic and then I thought about OceanicOctopus.
Me and my friends started the FiiieDx clan. You had to create sometime of 4 letter word, then place FiiieDx at the end. I chose Pool, because thats my last name
My gamertag Is Shikarix59 I got it from my favorite band "Enter Shikari" I wanted to be called Shikari then the x signified a space so Shikarix59 . 59 is my birthdate reverse 19[95]
Who is Zander. Because all of my friends call me Zander. And I also wanted people to say 'Who is Zander?' after I play an online match with them. Has happened twice so far.
I thought of mine when me and my brothers played Halo 2 together. I always killed them with the sniper rifle, so I came up with Longshot. Simple as that.
Back in the Halo CE/LAN days, I used the name Cap'n Crunch. I thought it was funny since it has militaristic and violent overtones, yet is just a kids' breakfast cereal. When I finally made a Live account for Halo 2, I couldn't use that name so I made up a new one, megapwn (which is obviously just a play on words). Later I had problems with that account and started a new one, and once again wanted to have a name that was both somehow threatening yet actually quite silly. Somehow my mind went from teabagging to "Nutduster." And here we are. I get a lot of comments about it in pre-game lobbies - people think it's a funny name, which was really the point.
My GT is Sentimentalnoos My wife actually came up with it for me because we both like Rob Zombie. My GT before this was Undeadpyro and that was for two reasons. I love to Romero films and I am a pyro. The other being I have died four times in my life and figure that I am undead and pyro.
I had some pet goats in my early childhood. We sold them because they would always piss us off (bucking, charging, eating my shirts, ect.) Well when I got Xbox Live I wanted to make a memorial to them. I wanted to make my GT more epic than just Goathead so I added the Frozen from my signature in a Runescape Forum (lol) which was Stay Frozen. Well now I'm done with my story/rant. Cheers!
Well, oddly enough, the GT SouthernNumber1 was taken, so I replaced the o with a 0. I'm from Houston, that explains the S0uthern. Also, I played baseball for 10 years, and was always number 1. There you go.
Mine is a little embarassing. I was watching Wow Wow Wubzy one day, because I was ready to commit suicide over boredom, and they said a bunch of weird words, including zigywig. So, when I got Xbox LIVE, I made my GT zigywig. It was stupid at first, but now I don't regret ever naming it that. I love my GT.
The "Trocity" part of my GT comes from Killtrocity (obviously) and the "El" part comes from the fact that some of my family call me "El", short for Elliot. So, I combined the two and found it has a nice ring to it. Also, El Trocity in Spanish is "The Trocity" which is kinda cool. I originally had the GT II elli0tH II, which it terrible, so I just had to change it in the end.
Mine comes from my schools mascot. I'm thinking about changing it to FOX since my uncle was one of the greatest halo 3 players, Fox
I never thought I'd see a thread like this, interesting. Well, anyways, here's mine. My gamertag used to be Nghtrain36 but after around 2 years of seeing that name, I decided it was time for a much needed change. Now you see, I have a SERIOUS angel obsession. I get it from my great-grandma, even though I'm not religious, I love angels. I see em as avatars of light and hope. ANYWAYS, I wanted a name that expressed my love for angels and also something that reflected with my DJ-like ways (not to mention that I was already mixing some nice trance songs together with my MIDI controller). I was also in need of a DJ name for when I got into the DJ'ing business. DJ came first, followed by Angel, but that was a little boring. Thinking about the qualities of angels, I came up with Angelight. Therefor, I am now DJ Angelight. A little bit girly, but I don't mind. Just representin' lol.
My grandmother is from cuba and she used to call me "osito" (little bear) so my first gamertag was " ositopower " but soon i realized it was a little weird. So since the wolf is my favorite animal and i love halo my gamertag bacame " iamalonewolf "
Was a huge Rise Against fan a while back (Still love them, but a wee bit less than the Airborne Toxic Event now) and so I chose Audience of One, as I thought that song title was a nice name for a GT. Turned out to become my alias in just about everything. So much better than my previous GT, iAdurin ( I think). That one was based off of a character in a story I started, but that story fell apart as did my like for that name. So glad I changed it (Even if it was a rip off at 10$)
It was around 2004, I had just gotten an xbox because all the other consoles i owned were outdated. My dad and I figured we'd hook up xbox live to play halo 2 online, because i was so excited i decided to hit the random gamertag generator. The first one to come up was "SickBow." I didn't give it much thought at all and pretty much was like "sure, why not?"
My older gamer tag was "jx Inimical xj" so the abbreviation is "jxIxj" and my favorite rap group is 116clique so I put that as my new gamer tag with jxIxj at the end so that people would know that it was still me.