it's my nickname, someone had pablo already so I went with pab1o, it wasn't inspired by fatal1ty (am I showing my age now?!).
Last name starts with R, 46 is just what I use in my email. I have an alt, OMGLOLWTFBBQWAT, that I created after I typed in something that was already taken about 20 times.
Not long after i got and xbox i had an accident where i the palm of my hand was slashed open by glass and my dad always said that it would make a very graphic scar. I kinda liked it and changed my original rubbish gt to it.
My gamertag is Jellosea23. Basically I was trying to think of puns because they are awesome, and I thought for a long time, but I couldn't come up with anything, so I went on Facebook, and looked at the Top Friends application. I took the first letter of my #2 and 3 friends and started thinking of words that started with JE, and I eventually came up with Jellosea (sort of sounds like jealousy and Jello is awesome because of The Office) then added 23 to the end because those were the numbers of the friends I used and it rhymed.
My gamertag is The Troll Child. The origin is pretty simple, I make youtube videos called Scott the Troll Child. Go check them out, they're pretty funny!
My high school librarian was the ****. He let us play games on the school computers before school and during lunch. The school's computers had Deep Freeze on them, so the only rule of admission was you had to have a CD with the Quake 2 demo installed on it. This was in the early 2000's and our school's computers were good enough to handle playing it straight from the disc. My freshman year I started off using the name s00perjoe, playing with 3 or 4 other friends. Problem is I sucked out loud, so I changed my tag to Frag Bait. See, cause I was? Yeah anyway. By the time I graduated the school had limited us to 12 computers (for around 20 people) so the other kids could do their homework and look a pictures of cats. Top two played, with the other 10 being the people that didn't get to play the day before. I also played almost every morning. I had gotten better, but liked the name so much I've kept it since.
my first GT was ninjaboy25, i guess cuz ninjas are awsums. my current GT is the nickname for my favorite football player and his number
My gamertag actually came into existence from back before I had an Xbox. I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the PS2, and didn't have a clue what to use for a username, so I hit the generate random nickname thing they had, and it gave me Flaming Armadillo as a choice, and I was like SWEET, thats just plain awesome, and I've been using it ever since. I had to shorten it to flamingarmadilo for Xbox Live because of the charachter limit. I'm probably going to change it to some variation of armadillo, but I'm not sure what to do.
My GT is Mochasun. At my school I sell coffee, which is im kind of known for. My favorite coffee is Mocha, so at my school they call me Mocha. The sun part? Well I guess I can say im hot as the sun!
Well, i went thru a phase 4 years ago, and could do the South Park's Timmy think nearly perfect, so they called me EmoTimmah. I wanted a more... unique spelling of the name so i went timmi. and Tada, EmoTimmi was born. it shall be changed when i get points to do so.
I can't recall what I originally wanted, but I tried like a million variations of it, and all were taken... so I got lazy and resorted to using my band's name.
Well, I wanted to pay tribute to one of my favorite games (Mirror's Edge) by basing my gamertag on it. That's where the "Shard" part came from. It's the tallest builing in Mirror City, where the final level takes place. And the "Remaining" part, I just felt like adding it because it sounds cool. Hense, Remaining Shard.
I saw a poster of Jim Morrison in the mirror while trying to think of a gamertag. I'm kind of sick of it, but it has history. My other lesser used gamertag, DieByToothbrush is just quite comical. I wanted Shanks McBroomhandle, but it wouldn't fit.
My GT is Thee Orlando Orlando comes from final fantasy tactics, where one of the most powerful allies is named Orlandu. Thee comes from an earlier "the" that was utilized when just orlando was taken for 2 online games; Tribal Wars and Runescape. As I grew up I realized that TheOrlando was a bit common sounding, so I changed the "the" to "Thee", and it also has the old style feeling like "I challenge thee Orlando!"
My GT is x0TheUnseen This came from when I made an account on Age of Empires 3, and I came up with "TheUnseenForce". Due to name availability, I got x0TheUnseen As can be inferred I kept the name.