Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    my first gamer tag, "im sgt pepper", obviously from the beatles. my second gamer tag, "Virus11010", halo 3 infection because i love customs.
  2. Achilles HD

    Achilles HD Forerunner

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    i have had so many gamertags and profile names ive lost count but one thats stuck so far is Achilles. mainly because im a great fan of history around the time of troy and gladiators and so on, and since i saw the film troy and the character that brad pitt portrayed achilles to be was bad ass.
  3. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    My gamertag, Ragumshnagum, is the online alias I've been using since October 13, 2005. People know me as this online. It was difficult not to use it as my gamertag.
  4. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    "Kung Fu Action Jesus!
    He's fightin' the bad guys and makin' them pay!
    With magic kung fu he'll save the day!
    It's Kung Fu Action Jesus!"

    #824 Kung Fu Jesus, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  5. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    Well, Ive had some pretty terrible gamertags in the past. One of them being Th3CodFather, becasue yes I did play call of duty. But its on because now I hate it but My new gamertag is a song because all of my brothers friends used to copy me on call of duty because I was good so they all tried to have their names the cod father or cod god and things like, and they also copied the guns and attachments I used. The song was about how people copy him so I figured this was perfect
  6. Hat

    Hat Guest


    The Hat: A top hat

    of win: Top hats FTW

    Need I say more?
  7. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    ihazchezburger is related to the lolcats website, my gamertag though could not have the can so i put ihazchezburger
  8. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    xSoGx Grim.
    I've been with halo since day one. My first profile name on Halo 1 was called Grim Reaper. This name was a part of me. It eventually shortened itself into Grim. It got to the point where my friends instead of calling me by my real name called me Grim..
    First account on xbl was Grim48 (college)
    And then the best on campus started a clan with the imbed of xSoGx.
    After college the core members remained friends, and have gained many new ones.
    xSoGx Grim

    But who really cares about another dude's gametag? this thread is just for you to rant on about yourself ha ha
    #828 xSoGx Grim, Aug 4, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  9. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    I was trying to come up with a cool name when I first got Halo 3, and after failing to come up with something original, I started goofing around and tried "L337 Commando" and sure enough, it was available. It pretty much just dawned on me.
  10. Noizzy Rabbit

    Noizzy Rabbit Forerunner

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    Well, when I was little I always wanted pet rabbits, and when I moved into my new house I got some rabbits. One day in english like 5 years later we were talking about oxy morons and one of the ones that came to my mind was noisy rabbit, because my rabbits don't ever make noise. So before I got xbox live my profile name was noisy rabbit just because it was funny to me. When I got xbox live, to be different, I made my GT Noizzy Rabbit, just for fun, and I've had the same GT ever since. And I know some of you are thinking what are you five? and no Im not five, Im just a really odd person ;)
  11. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    The origin of my gamertag is nothing special. I actually didn't even come up with it myself. The name came about when I first moved and my friend and I were trying to figure out what SN I should use for AIM. Firstly, we took my then favorite game. Twisted Metal. So, that's where Twizted came from. I just preferred a z to an s in that regard. Then, the rest kind of fell into place. Matt is my first name and 1007 is my birthday. So, keep that in mind when 10/07 roles around, get me something nice, preferably that will make other things go boom.
  12. Tennach

    Tennach Forerunner

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    Tennach is one of the main antagonists in a book that i'm writing. i would have used Ser_Aaron (the name i use on everything else, and i did use Ser_Aaron. but then! i realised that i'd made Ser_Aaron as a new gamertag, not as my original... it was very annoying. so i just stuck with Tennach.)
    Ser_Aaron is what i'm known as on... pretty much everything else i've every joined. so yeah. if you ever see a Ser_Aaron on another forum or on steam. it's me.
    Ser_Aaron is one of the main Protagonists in the book.
    oh. and the book is called Fear of Snakes. so if you ever see a book on a shelf somewhere called Fear of Snakes, that would be me also.
  13. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... I used to play this game called time splitters: future perfect on the original xbox, and one of the characters in that game was called Duckman. And the 620 is just my birthday.
  14. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Started talking to Norlinsky. Thought it would be cash to have the same style of name. And the rest is history.
  15. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    well i have changed my name once so i have two storys
    the first gt which is my current profile name is pretty much a story of my early high school life, i went to a high school with the nick name Woo-town and i played lacrosse with number 21 jersey.
    now my current gt i dont really even know where it came from, i needed to change my name since i had surgery and was finished with lacrosse so i didnt like having that, although im in fact not a hobo nor enraged lol, but i was homeless due to a fire at one point so the name fit for 3 days, while i was searching for a new home. but the xX________Xx is because i couldnt have the name without them or 4 replacing the A.
  16. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    Thunder- Came to me in 7th grade when all it did was storm for 2 weeks straight. And Spartan i was a halo Fanatic, and i still am. The 9, well its my favorite Number
  17. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    Someone at another forum I used to visit called me an evil chameleon, so I used it and added my year of graduation from high school.
  18. ObamasButcheeks

    ObamasButcheeks Forerunner

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    My gamertag is obamasbutcheeks because i really am obamasbutcheeks
  19. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    wayyyy back when halo: ce came out i was 5. i would always go over to my cousins house and play it online. his name was masterangelo116 (11/6 his birthday) my name was then ,masterpete, . then when i got older we found out about chiefs number 117 we both changed out names to 117
  20. Bandolero Sr

    Bandolero Sr Forerunner

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    Mine is reggae related. Bandolero is a song from Slightly Stoopid and the Sr isn't senior.. just my initials.

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