Before I got onto XBL, I was hanging out with a good friend of mine. We took his little girl to the movies and she wanted to hold both of our hands as we were crossing the street. My hands sweat an ungodly amount sometimes, and when she grabbed hold of mine she said, "Eww, you got squid hands." Good thing I don't have a complex about it. :-\ Cut to the second or third MM game I ever played on H2. Someone in the lobby asked, "How do you play with squidhands?". My answer was, "As you're about to find out, not very well."
OH HOORAY!!! WEEEEEE! NON GAY BUT TOTALLY GAY FRIEND HIGH FIVE!!!! ;D ;D ........... lol, im not..yes i im not...yes i am no but seriously...were totally kool lol 8)
I used to be into the paranormal. I started using Ufochaser a long time ago after reading a couple of books on ufos and aliens, and hearing about people who went "chasing after ufos". I've never actually chased ufos myself or have seen anything that i would have considered for even a second to be extraterrestrial. I'm more of a skeptic now but the name has carried with me. When i discovered it was already taken, i added the 42 because i am a huge Douglas Adams fan. I really want to change my gamertag, but i will keep the "42" with whatever i choose.
After many years of service, I've finally won the forced-gamertag-change sweepstakes! My new tag is AqueousBeaver. Origin: first synonym of wet in the thesaurus. Well the joke is obvious... I just thought explain the why.
I played Maplestory before I joined Halo 2 and now Halo 3, and even though I continued to play Maple I [obviously] enjoy Halo. I used phoenix's a lot in Maple as my in game name and as a forum username. But since I'm not going to go around Xbox Live as something like phoenixaura, I just put some numbers after it.
My gamertag, Emn1ty, originated from my earlier handle of En1gma. I decided En1gma didn't flow to well so I looked for a word similar. It didn't hit me till a while later that Enmity means hatred, but thats fine with me.
Well, the origin of my gamertag came from my childhood. When i was young, i was facinated by aliens. Then i played runescape with the name The Alien123. Now i moved to xboxlive and i use that. :squirrel_chatting:
I used to play Halo PC. I played it around 2 1/2 years. I would always try to come up with names that had numbers and caps in it so it would look "cool". However, a lot of people are against that, but that is what I always do. The name Cr0ok3d came from a name I saw on Halo PC. It reminded me of the word crooked. After tweaking it a bit I got Cr0ok3d.
Mine's based off of the Daedric lord Hircine in Oblivion. I decided to tweak it a bit when that name was taken on another site I wanted to sign up for and I've used it ever since.
Before I had Xbox Live I played Halo 2 on Xbox Connect. Me and my buddies loved it, and we decided we would add tags to our names like we were a clan, but not really. I suggested we call ourselves 'Street Killers', I got that from an episode of Samurai Champloo, an anime I like, so that's what 'SK' stands for. 'Crisis' refers to what the opposing team has on their hands if they were ever to face me, that is of course if the opposing team suck at the game. I made my gamertag SK CRISIS after I finally got Live.
Lol i think its funny how people think that if u have numbers and alternating caps in ur name it makes you look feared and better at the game i have heard so many people tell me this. Lol i think it looks dumb and 12 year old...
agreement, gamertags need originality. numbers and letters signal "hey that means somebody else has that gamertag too" Titmar has my vote for potentially the best gt ever. im right behind him
Well , a while ago i used to play an MMORPG game called EverQuest... about a few years into the game and expansion CD came out and i got it. There were these creatures you could ride called "Drogmors" but, i did not know that. The first time i saw one was when i was going to a portal and one of these guys, were just sitting there. the rider was invisible, and his name was Foozy... so i called these things foozys for about a year, and i finally got corrected by my friends. i originally typed in "Foozy" for my gamertag, but it was taken... so i picked "MostFoozy" There ya go :squirrel_wtf:
Hey, how could I possibly modify "phoenix" while still keeping the word in, without making it strange or whatever. <_< And besides, setting my service tag as B74 to match with my gamertag is slightly cool. Maybe I shouldn't have used Phoenix. ..Eh, whatever. I probably would have done something else cliche too, like something involving the words Sword or Heroic or something..