Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    no idea really. I just got a name that sounded cool then added nv to the end (cause Crypto was already taken). Thinking of changing to Crypocalypse.
  2. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Forerunner

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    My gamertag is DualDarckness.

    This history of this name starts way back when i got my first 360... (about a year ago, lol.) and I made my profile name DarkFall.
    Of course when I got internet, I found out this was taken. So I went through several varyations of DarkFall (DarknessFall, DarknessFalling, DarkFalling, etc.) When I finaly thought... "Maybe I should use part of my WoW name, DualityDeath." And so came DualDarkness. And although my gt is no longer used, (couldn't pay the internet bill.) I still wish I would have used my complete WoW name because it sounds so much better. But who cares about that? Halo has always been my favorite game.

    But don't be fooled. I still forge with my friend (who I own on Halo all the time.) And maybe sometime soon you'll find a map we made (but he never gives me credit for although i'm a better forger.) here on ForgeHub.

    (P.S.- Don't expect anything good. My friend will mess the map up as soon as I leave.)
  3. LockeGenRedux

    LockeGenRedux Ancient
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    Well, Originally, I had the GT LockeGen when I first signed up on Live. The reason for the name itself? LockeGen was a shortened version of a Roleplay charachter I had made, named Locke Genravial. I used it, loved it, abused it... Till my membership ran out. So, I sat there, wanting to play and someone told me If i made another account, I could play again free for a month. I made a second account. LockeGenRedux. I made my current account without even thinking of what Redux ment. I thought it meant to do over, or something about a second time. But w/e. I used it and played for a while, until someone had me do Annual with them on Halo 3. I did it, got the achievement and everything, and I got some Lone Wolves achievements that I hadn't gotten on my first account, so.. I decided to change to LockeGenRedux as my main account so I wouldn't have to do them all over again, and thus, I still have it today.

    Come to find out, a few months later, I looked Redux up in a dictionary... It happens to mean 'Reborn'. So It was perfect! LockeGenReborn. :D
  4. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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  5. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Forerunner
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    I while before I had a username for whatever, all of my friends were like "Ooh, my username is blah blah blah!" I thought to myself, "I want mine to be WaxyPumpkin." My favorite number is 72. And there you have it:

  6. xcoveredingravy

    xcoveredingravy Forerunner
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    When i got my xbox360 and i was making my account i had no idea what i wanted to use. I looked at the suggestions and one of them was kinggravy36 or something. I thought "hmmm... Ive always been a fan of gravy, but i want to come up with my own" so xCoveredingravy was born. No Coveredingravy was not taken I just wanted a name that used the maximum amount of characters so i added the "x". So far it has been an awesome name and people that I play with think its hilarious.
  7. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Forerunner

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    Well, when I signed in to Xbox live, I had another name than Corflakes Sam. Although, everybody called me too the first name of my ex-gamertag, so I decided to change my name. I really had no idea, until I came accros a guy named ''xx-corflakes-xx". I found that name verry funny, and I freaking love Corflakes, so yea, there it came. =P
  8. Randomstingray

    Randomstingray Ancient
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    Well i will just say Xbox made it up 4 MEEEEEE LOL
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    My gamertag...

    My name is Mikey and I'm a drummer. Ya :)
  10. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Lil Devil9597

    Back I think 2 years ago, My dad got me and my bro an Xbox 360 to share. I though about a Gamertag for sometime before I got it. Little was the first thing I thought of. Then my dad Suggested Devil. Sorta weird when his GT is Nosferou As in the Vampire. My Bro's is Little Vampire. I Quickly typed in the gamertag and it didn't work. Then I added Me and My Bro's Birth years, 1995 & 1997. I Added 9597. So I had Lil Devil9597.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I just bought a 12 month for a second account. The Gamertag is Oliver Sykez.

    The origin? Oliver Sykes is the vocalist for shoddy metalcore band called Bring Me the Horizon. They're also a guilty pleasure of mine. :x
  12. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I just bought a 12 month for a second account. The Gamertag is Oliver Sykez.

    The origin? Oliver Sykes is the vocalist for shoddy metalcore band called Bring Me the Horizon. They're also a guilty pleasure of mine. :x
  13. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Holy F***ing s**t!!! I just worte at less 500 words and then somehow when I hit backspace it deleted everything so I'm not spell checking it this time and I'm making it shorter with less of my knowen names!

    my wow mage is know as abobchicken (a bob not abo) and that name came from when me and my friends where on my old school pcs at luch and went on a program where it shows you a book (page by page) and your ment to write what the book page said then it reads it out. Me and my friends just wrote ramdom stuff to do with the pics it showed. One story we wrote had a pic of a wolf looking at a big cage with lots of chickens in it and for that page we wrote some stuff and so many chickens, abobchicken! (was funner when the pc read it) And thats how I got abobchicken.

    I got turkey bag56 from when me and my friend were playing worms 4 and we were making a team for us to vs and it was named can't say due to racistness (friend named the team) and in that team there was a few good names but one was turkey tbag. So for xbox live I changed tbag to bag so I wouldn't have to change my name and put 56 on the end (just like that number) and thats about that....
    #773 Turkey bag56, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  14. DemonicPro

    DemonicPro Forerunner

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    "I know! I'll call myself Xx D3ath93 xX, because I'm a ****ing ****."

    I've got a good name in mind and only need 180MSP to change to it.
  15. Jim

    Jim Forerunner

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    I was angry at my computer for being slow so out of frustration I decided to sign up for Xbox Live. I was think about what my gamertag should be and I realized how often I use ctrl+alt+delete to pull up the windows task manager and wa-la! Ctrl Alt DeLEET was created.
  16. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Kappa Beta=KB+Greek
    yay for my logic
  17. chopper failure

    chopper failure Forerunner

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    well my gamertag game from some friends at school say that there was a helicopter on the roof so i tried flying it and i failed when i just picked it up i would crash it and blow myself up in it with nuks and rockets so tada______------- cHoPPeR fAiLuRe
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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  19. Foyoman

    Foyoman Forerunner

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    I came up with "Foyoman" when I was playing halo 2 and when I was changing my name I pressed anything and foyoman came up.
  20. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I had all these ideas for a name when i was saving for my xbox, but when I sat down to enter them all in, EVERY variation was taken. Eventually I got frustrated and said "I hate this"... a light bulb went off, I tried IH8YourGamerTag, and it wasn't taken, so I grabbed it. I like it... it breeds contempt when the match hasn't even started yet. Then someone had to ban it, so now its IH8Y0URG4M3RT4G

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