Mine is named after a character my friend and I made up for a comic we wrote. Also Terrax the Tamer from Marvel is just beast as ****.
U know it is hard to really go back to the true origins of my gamertag. All I can remember is I began using ZOMBIECOW on Medal of Honor spearhead- wait I think it was Nintendo DS (those things suck)- well anyway it was 3 or 4 years ago on either of those. As far as the actual thought process behind it I can no longer rembeber. But I have stuck with it ever since throughout all games.
To be honest i have no story behind my gamertag. I was sat there with a spare 800 MS points and I wanted an original gamertag with no numbers or X's so in the spur of the moment , CRIPPLED HOBO WAS BORN!!!
GT: RedFlagRenegade i got the reflag part from one of my favorite songs from Billy Talent called Red Flag and the renegade part just kinda just popped in my mind when i was thinking of it
I tried to make an account on a water gun website a few years ago. most of my stuff is used , im a dude. it stuck
how i got my gamertag: i play shooter games and i like to kill alot like a machine and 12 was a random number.
Mine came from the Star Wars expanded universe books. Jacen was the name of Han and Leia's son who started as a Jedi. Later on though he turned sith and took on the name of Darth Caedus. So once when I was going to join a Star Wars RPG I combined the two to come up with Jacen Caedus and have every one of my usernames since then have been Jacen Caedus
Okay I am from California so technically i am not a RedNeck. Here is where the name came from. Me and my family like to dune-ride. People who ride quads, especially on dunes, tend to be very redneck like. Sense I can be redneck at times i decided to show off that i am proud of it by putting RedNeck in my name. FSC came from my community of about 200 and growing. It stands for Fire Stealth Courage
My Gamertag came from Crazed Oracle to Crimson Water but when i got LIVE it was already taken so now it is Crimson Water 0
Well, my original GT was ShaddoBlade, which is just something I made up when playing online games. I wanted something that sounded relatively cool. About a year later, I changed my GT because I was bored. Then I changed it a couple other times because I couldn't find something that seemed to fit. Well, one day, I was playing one of my favorite games, Star Wars The Force Unleashed. In that game, the name of your ship is The Rogue Shadow. I thought that sounded pretty badass, and I decided to incorporate part of my original GT in with it, resulting in: Rogue Shaddo
Origin of my gamertag I spontaneously thought of my gamer tag when i was in a rush to think of good name for Wii Guitar hero III online play...
Me and my friends thought it would be funny being inatimate objects so when you were killed by us in Halo or COD it would say you were killed by something funny or pathetic. Our group of Gamertags are A Glue Stick, A Box Of Boxes, A Parking Cone, and A RedBull Can.
well lets see i have had a lot of gamertags the last 3 years of my gaming life. the first one i had was neckbone93 and it came from my step dad who would sometimes call me neckbone i have know idea why 93 is the year i was born then it was clintxmassacre which was from the first clan i was in on gow after that feel apart i nade my own clan with my friend perry called neoXsuperheros i then became neoXiceman then after that clan failed horribly i went back to neckbone then i was dared to change my name and i said im not a ***** so i changed it to aLongWeinerDog it was funny for a while but got old very quick the i changed it to the name i have now RAWR IAM REPTAR which came from rugrats i was inspired to make it this when i did a art project and i had to draw reptar i and thats about it