diger44 comes from runescape 4 years ago. I forgot my first account name, and I was on the tutorial island or something, I liked the mining part, I thought it was called digging, and I did not know how to spell (lol) so I typed in "diger" as my second account and it said it was taken, so I choose the first "suggestion" which was diger44. And there you go. BTW I stoped plaing runescape years ago so STFU about that, but yeah.
i went down to kentucky one year camping and on the bathroom stall was written killbot i was like "thats a cool name" the A61 comes from Area 61, instead of Area 51
well, i think secret agents are cool. and im OBSESSED with ducks. although, i used to have 10 other GT's, but im sticking to Agent Quack.
well, i think secret agents are cool. and im OBSESSED with ducks. although, i used to have 10 other GT's, but im sticking to Agent Quack.
My first Xbox LIVE Gamertag on the original Xbox was Bl4cKH41lf1R3 (BlackHailFire). You can probably guess the reason I changed my gamertag, huh? My new gamertag is il uragano 3493 (eel oo-raw-gaw-no). The name is Italian, but it's translation to English is "The Hurricane". My favorite nationality was Italian (before I changed my name, now it's Russian), & my favorite word & natural disaster (??) is a Hurricane, so I combined those together, plus added my birthday (3-4-93), & there you have it! A little lesson for you about me.
My GT is Big Maxy 117. Well... I'm called Max... I'm tall... 117 was the first number that came into my head. Simple =).
Unlike you guys with your interesting stories ... mines just a different way to spell my actual name, Liam. =P
Heh, my gamertag (EXC Riku) has a pretty simple origin; "Riku" is one of the main characters from Kingdom Hearts, so I used his name as my gamertag because of the lack of a better idea. EXC is just the name of a certain clan that is no more, and I just decided to keep those three letters because I actually liked the look of it. I also didn't want to have to spend 800 or however many microsoft points it takes to change your gamertag.
well back in the day when i used to play the original xbox, one of favorte games to play was Time-Splitters:FuturePerfect. and the one character i would always play as was duckman and ducks are just the coolest animal on the face of the earth so yea. And then 620 is just my b-day--6/20
pinohkio, made it up last summer when i wanted to change my name to somrthing cooler than ubermexi777. so i was sittingon the couch and my retarded friend had told me about penisio, a porno for pinoccio and i ddnt know how to spell it so i used phonics.
Well, My gamertag is a combo of nicknames... I used to play ping-pong all the time w/ my brothers college friends and I'd always win, So they gave me the naem chung... And then that same day they went to go play mario kart wii, and I beat them at that too. So... a combination of the nams turned into chung wii.
"Melt Your TV" was some the exact words of a hippie bumper sticker I saw on the back of a green Honda Element at my Summer camp a long while back. I first used it was my Youtube account name, then (becoming well known of Youtube and other forums non-halo related) I decided to make my gamertag after the name I was probably known best as.
Before getting Live, I had a game called the Orange Box. In this Box that was Orange, there was a puzzle game called Portal. My name had nothing to do with it, other than the gamertag coming to me randomly while playing the game and fusing two quotes together, "Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out" and "The cake is a lie". The spelling was just to make it a little unique Portal later become my favorite Puzzle game. Evar.