One my last name is Boyle and graduated in 06 and my other i was messing with my twin and as a joke typed in STK OW GURR (ogre) as in STK Hotshy (first halo 2 50) and Ogre 1 and Ogre 2 (STK= Shoot To Kill)
The story behind my forge hub name is actually what a lot of my friends nick named me at school. I have a lot of nick names but i decided to use this one for my name SM3JAY. This name was started when I had my other nick name CJ. Yes, these are my annicials and I do go by every single nick name. CJ, Smejay, The Joyce Man, Juice and many more. My gamertag: The joyce Man is also what a lot of people call me
My gamertag is BEYERstar. You see Im a wrestler at my school, and my friends/peers say Im a stand-up comedian when Im at school(Beyer High). So I just took the name of my awesome school and added what I hope to accomplish next year...TO BE A STAR LOL
I am a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls, of which I feel Morrowind is the best; it's also the best RPG ever made, though it's a bit dated now. Sotha Sil is my favourite of the tribunal, so I made his name my gamercard. Need I say more.
This is my first post, anyway I made the name Xylom because it's really easy to remember and sounds cool (exs-i-lom)
Mines was Because i seen a few people with Sgt in there name and my name is Danny AANND my favourite number is 7 so I guess Start of Other Peoples Names + My Name +My Favourite Number = Sgt Danny 7
My Gamertag is Dem Saints But it was originally I Saint Jimmy I Because of the Green day song Saint Jimmy And all my friends started to call me Saint Jimmy Then the Gamertag Saint Jimmy was taken So i put I's on the ends of Saint Jimmy then My friend started the dem clan hes dem bones and i had to change mine to Dem saints.
I wanted to have my 50 account on Halo 3 have a cool name and i loved HaVoK so i made it IHaVoK iZ Siick and then i got together with my H3 team on gamebattles and we are now uF (the Unknown Factor- kinda cheezy but it works )
i started my name from CS...always played at haveaniceday...ppl get to emotionally invested into these games, and i decided that if ur gonna ***** at me, then im just gonna reply with a nice remark...have a nice day....gotta love it...just ticks ppl off even more haha...Have a nice day guys!
My last GT, RaBBiiTTT, was chosen by me simply because I have buck tooth teeth up to now. My teeth are obviously improving though and I still have my annoying braces.
GT: Dead in ten Origin: On the DS version of Call of Duty 4 (Gasp) the name of the last level is "Dead in ten" where you have to escape in ten minutes or else the big nuke bomb goes pew pewz. It just stuck i guess. (kinda like this thread)
My gamertag was InsaneXphoenix intil i had to change it to firephoeinx but i chose this gamertag because i used to be called a phoenix cause my nose was broken and still is but it look bigger than normal but i didnt care but i thought it was cool name to put because a phoenix is pretty much invicible. The insane in my old gamertag was there becuase poeple always thought there was something wrong with me when i fought. my face would make a possesed smilely face yeah kinda creepy. >=)
My gamertag was formed through this logic: Norse god thor [thunder] + modern weapons [shot] + needed number; lucky number sleven (yes, sleven; not a typo) [7] = thundershot 7
I posted this in my intro topic, but what the hey! PluvialisAquila (no space due to character limit) means eagle of rain in Latin. I think it's a really cool language, and I see a lot of it in my studies in the pre-health field. My favorite animal has always been and forever will be the bald eagle. Also, I really, really love the rain. It's an amazing display of nature that just feels so cleansing and rejuvinating.
Do i really have to explain mine? I mean, who doesn't think of Japanese people when they read my name?
ASC671 = ASC...endant (Ascendant) 671 (Guam's area code) So basically it's an abbreviated form of Ascendant671. It could've also meant Andrew Sucks **** (Andrew is my name) but I just found that out while playing with my douche friends in COD:WaW
I just thought awkward silences were always funny. Unfortunately, the account "awkwardsilence" was already taken. I actually checked the person's profile, but it's an Xbox 1 account, and they haven't played any games on it. Laaaammmeeee. So my gamertag is "IAwkwardSilence".