AceOfSpades0707 IDK why I came up with AceOfSpades but 0707 represents my birthday... July 7th (Bungie Day!!!)
My GT is Hank102938. Well um, if I remember correctly I got the Hank part from Hank Hill (King of the Hill)The number, which may appear to be ramdom is actually, how do you describe it... picture the numbers lined up on the keyboard: 1234567890 I picked 1 then 0 then 2...and so on you see the pattern. Hank102938 was orignially created for my Runescape account (I feel ashamed to have ever played that game) then when my stupid friend, not to mention any xbox account names, (cough cough, rickybobby47) got it banned i moved on to Youtube, and Hank102938 is still my screen name there to this day, and then when I got my xbox 360, it became my xbox name because I'm just so dang creative at comming up with new names. And off course when I got halo 3 and I needed some maps I stumbled upon this site and you guessed it. Oh, and my name on is also Hank102938 and its also that on LOL so pretty much ever site I'm a member of, Hanks the name and killing's the game.
GT: Celestial Panda So, you know the panda GamerPic? Well, I liked that, so I thought, Panda!! Then, I needed an adjective or something to go before it. I searched for heavenly, or godlike or something, and found "Celestial". Perfect. Less than 15 characters, has a ring to it. People love it, and it's been over a year. Win-gasm.
My Gamertag, currently is V3L0 iZ B0SS. My gamertag always has Velo of some sort in it. My gamertag way back was I V3L0CI7Y, I just shortend Velocity to velo :]
My GT is Leoparddude. It all started back on WoW, my first characters name was was Druidthepoop (Mind I was only about 10 when I made it) and when that got reported lol, I was in the animal lover stage thing and I still am and Big Cats were my favorite. So I made a Leoparddude. Freakin awesome I know
My gamertag is currenty Unknown Tru7h. I was on and saw Bungie's motto that said "Tru7h. Carnage. Bungie." and for some reason I got addicted to the word Tru7h, so I was going to make my gamertag Tru7h but it wouldn't let me, so I had to put something before or after it, I couldn't think of anything so I put Unknown. So that's how I got the gamertag Unknown Tru7h.
My GT is BiffTech. It's a mispelling of the name of a band I used to part-time roadie for when I was younger, "Bifteck." Altho, I think the literal meaning of the words "Biff" & "Tech," are Steak Knife lol Biff
My tag is JAC Overlord. My whole neighborhood plays Xbox Live, so we all made a clan, JAC, a long time ago. I've become the Overlord of the clan, thus JAC Overlord. And it's pronounced Jay A See Overlord, not Jack. That gets rather annoying, but oh well.
Welll, I has my gamertag from me, not a search engine, or the xbox live generator thing. I just chose Killer, cause my nickname is killer, I am a sophmore, 5'5, 120 pounds, I haz no idea where that came from?? Anyway, I was like hey, why dun I add K to the end of it, cause thats the start of my name, not going any farther with that you pedopeeps. And then, I was like dang, they not haz it, cause its already taken, so I came up with a good idea. How bout add the name of the college that I live by to MSU (Thats Mississippi State University.) So here I am today, KillerK MSU
My former tag was DitDit.... It was a nickname i was given (don't ask) since like i was 5. When i moved home it just disapeared. Plus i was sick of people laughing at it so i changed it to Katana Master 9 It Was suposed to be Katana Master 95 but it didn't fit in due to letter limit... I played Oblivion alot back then and i loved using the katana so i just put it to that. Rofl
i thought of gogochriso when I was about 10 years old playing runescape. I thought it was cool back then. So I got my Xbox and sat there for about half an hour thinking of names when I tried gogochriso, it was taken. So I added a 2 on the end and there we go
My GT is complicated. It started out as XxXN33DL3H34DXxX (Needlehead) after the drummer of Slipknot, and when I made my XBL GT I set it up as a 'child safe' account thinking "What the hell..." and found out that I coudn't play any Halo 3 maps, so I made a new account called XxSpix(Spikes), but everyone thought I was racist(??) so I had to change it because of Microsoft bull, and I eventually renamed myself XxSpyyx, with emphasis on the last 'x', so it's pronounced XxSpyyx(e).
Well the reason my name is xsn1p3r kr0pfix it first started as just kropfi, which was a German doughnut. Then I just added the sniper part becasue I am an awesome sniper in Halo 3, Gears 1 and 2, RSV2, and anyother game that involves a gun.
my gt is R0FLninja, i used rofl because its one of my favorite words, and, its fun saying it a bunch of times: ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL. and i added ninja because ROFL and ninja sound cool and funny together, and i used a zero intead of a O in R0FL because ROFLninja was taken, but not R0FLninja with a zero
My name is Josh, so when I first started picking up multiplayer games, I simply named myself xXJoshXx, it thus underwent many changes. One day, Me and my friend were talking and I had to decide on a GT for Xbox Live. I asked him "What would be very humiliating to be killed by?" He said to me "How about something that can't attack you?" I said "ok." He then cried out "How about a number! Better yet.....The Number 0!" I realized that was taken and he goes "Add more 0's!" Thus, The Number 0000 was born. lol
My name originates from Bungie's Marathon series. A Born On Board, or a B.O.B. for short, are those who are born on the UESC Marathon, a spaceship made from one of Mar's moons, Deimos. In Marathon B.O.B.s are pretty much like the marines in Halo, they don't do much good but throw up some good one-liners. Also in Marathon they are clones of B.O.B.s called simulacrums which are actually bombs that upon contact with you explode. These pesky fakers can be identified by always having a green suit on or saying such non-sense as "Frog blast the vent core!".
Well mine, xpWn3r kiDx tAt, is from a name I made up about this kid who said before another matchmaking game said "its time to pown again" and the tAt part is my initials. My first gamertag was corvette97 because i like the '97 corvette and my second was Magicman855 that was from the movie Talledega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby and 855 was random numbers. now i'm at my current one, xpWn3r kiDx tAt, is as I explained earlier.