Originally going to be JuicyStew, but my brother had already used the name on a one month so we did the search for other gamertags function that xbox live has and the first one was DimmestBread so I picked it.
My original gamertag was Silentpig and the only reason that it was called that was because pigs were my favorite animal and I for some reason thought that Silent was awsome so I put it together and got Silentpig. bolddoughnut suprisingly enough to many people was chosen becase Donut from Red vs Blue is my favorite character (caboose is) but because doughnuts are yummy great and awesome. And I just put doughnut into the generator and there popped Bolddoughnut and I thought that it was better then fried rice (as a gamertag) so i chose it.
SoLo92 SoLo is mai cat (he plays halo. pro MLG). and 92 be mai lucky number. the reason it was my lucky # is bacause i was eating a fortune cookie one day and it has the luck #'s on the back. so i said how come the never have big numbers like 92?! and if u notice they always up like 3, 7,5, 13. never a big #!!!! so its like ironic i guess. like having luck number 13. i WASNT born in 1992 like most people think. I put the L in SoLo capitalized cuz it just looks cooler, and nao every time i spell soLo i put a cap L. even in school.
Back in the days of Halo CE I was called nobody along with a rock, a milkshake, a small monkey and god (NoobDestroyer321 was killed by a small monkey LOL) but nobody just stuck, then I started a YouTube account called nobodyproductions1, then i discovered through google that nobody productions already exists so I went with NobodyPro, and suffer some jokes about it like "oh thank god i thought somebody killed me" or "Nob-Odie-Pro"
my first video game has he original worms for PC and I named my team of worms in such a way as to confuse the opposition (i know i was playing the AI but this was a long time ago) i named my worms names like me you himself nothing yourself nobody thin air and that worm some of the commentry that came up on the game was hilarious, especially when i named the opposing team similar names that worm was killed by thin air you killed nobody you killed me ANYWAY that worm is a homage to that first game which i found so hilarious XD
GT=FireFox 919. hmm idk cuz it soundz cool and My dog is a toy FOX terrier. Ive also used SilentDeath.
got mine from when I played neopets in 4th grade like 7 years ago, and had it since 7th grade... so yea..
Back in '04 for Flashflashrevolution. The thought of the user name randomly pop-ed into my head, I've stuck with it since.
If anyone has EVER played Conker's: Live and Reloaded Local Multiplayer with Bots on the Original Xbox then you'll know that all the bots have super-retarded names, i.e.: "Shats Bassoon", "Urchin Pig Girl", etc., etc. So I decided to rename one of them 'Sonic Boxers' and when the point came up where I had to choose a Gamertag, I was fresh out of ideas, so I started remembering dumb names and 'Sonic Boxers' popped up in my head. So that is that.
well i use my friends so i dont have to buy a new account yet soooo his is FetalMicmaster becuase his name is michael
Well, it's pretty simple for me. I'm Italian, (hence 'Italyan') and they call Rocky the 'Italian Stallion', so yeah.
My GT came into existence because I wanted something which made no sense and didn't agree with religion... The pope was taken and I forgot some popes and moved onto many popes straight away.
Got this one playing CTF on Halo 2. Specifically, Burial Mounds CTF, In the desert, and I always crouched into the base through small holes in the defense, like a rat. The numbers were evenly spaced, so I figured "What the hell?"
GT: Mikepwnsnoobs mike= my name. pwns= verb, the act of pwning (he/she pwns), to completely dominate someone/something (PWNED!! HEADSHOT!) noobs= noun, any person/group of people who have no skill whatsoever or act skilled in a position of lesser skill. I was in a rush to start playing Halo 3 when I got xbox live, I was excited after my 2 day xbox live trial expired. I was hasty to play, and I would change my gamertag if it didn't cost 800 ms points.
mine was kindof random but i like grunts and i let the random tag generator do the rest ive used it for the past 3 years
My first gamertag on live was FR0ZEN FEARS, which explains this account name. I used that name for almost every online game at the time. After a while, I sort of hated my GT and became Double Kill, and like rusty eagle, I used capital I's as well as l's. DoubIe KiIl is how it's spelled