Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Legendary Blue

    Legendary Blue Ancient
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    I was always know as Papa Smurf for my love of the color blue, but when I got Halo 3 and realized the name was taken by about a million people I started looking for a name that represented me well. After awhile I settled on Legendary Blue because it was my favorite color and I beat the game by myself on Legendary which I thought was a big deal at the time lol.
  2. TheGreatPUDDING

    TheGreatPUDDING Ancient
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    My GT is TheGreatPUDDING.

    I,usually use ThePudding1337,but I decided to go with something a litle different so
    I combined my Great love for PUDDING...and my Gamertag was created.
  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Well, when I first got my xbox I connected it to xbox live but I didn't make an online account. I started playing this racing game and my dad soon joined in. He got really good and was soon better then me. This was what I was waiting for, though. I didn't want to waste my money so I got him addicted to a video game and I let him think I sucked. He wanted to play on Xbox live, against more "experienced" players, so I told him to go to Best Buy and buy a 12 month gold membership card. He went and bought one, came home, and hurrily began to make an account. His Aunt lives in San Diego (California) and owns an Italian resturant called the "Blue Parrot." He couldn't think of a good name so he dicided to use that as a name. He was entering in the name so fast that he accidently put in Blue Pariot instead of Blue Parrot. He didn't realize this untill after he had made the account. He started to play online but a few days later he got tired of losing and stopped playing. I kept the account but I don't want to waste $10 on a new name. I'd rather buy an arcad egame then change my name. Plus, I like to hear what people say when they first see my name. Some say Blue Patriot, Blue Pirate, or, rarely, they say Blue Parrot.
  4. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Well, I did not take me long to figure out mine. I use my name, Tristan, and the day of the month of my birthday, 28, and put them together to get mine.
  5. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    in 6th grade, my friend want me to play SCOM Navy Seals (or what ever it was) on PS2. He told me i need a name/username for the ps2 network. So we sat on a curb on school grounds, and thought of names. Last one i think was "kidbomber". After that i used it for everything.
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I used to use just Eric then one time I accidentally added a o when I was playing with a friend, so I never changed the account, then later I thought I'd keep using it, but instead I have ER1C0.... with the cool numberz and shtufff
  7. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Pretty simple, I'm from Texas, and x TeXn is the only one I could come up with that looked and sounded cool.
  8. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    my gamertag is xPistolxWhipper
    i came up with it by playing CoD4. Ever went up behind somebody, didn't feel like getting the easy headshot, pulled out your deagle, and let loose? You just pistol whipped somebody.
  9. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    mine is The Spartan III
    it originates from when i started reading teh halo books, and i found out that master chief is a SPARTAN II. then it was already taken so i was like ****, but then i read ghosts of oyx and im like epic winz bitches! and chose The Spartan III for the spartan III's in ghosts of onyx.
  10. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    I really have no clue how I created my gamertag. It may have something to do with sheep. I hate sheep.
  11. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    'domomd367' came around as my general internet name, due to a typing erorr. I was going to put 'dommod' (as it would be dom-mod is dom backwards. I toticed that i had out domomd intstead, and thought it looked quite cool. As for the numbers, well.

    3- There was a T.V advertisement (for something can't remember) which said that'3' was the magic number.
    6- Is my lucky number
    7- Is regarded as lucky.

    In that order as it goes from smallest to biggest number.

    My name looks random, but actually has logic.
  12. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I like red vs blue and Grif just seemed to jump out at me.
  13. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    GT - IB u IN N ii

    The origins of my GamerTag head back to my pets, and MLG. As a little kid, I loved Bunnies, and as surprised as you may be, I dreamed of being one. Although I no longer dream of being a Bunny, this childish wish stayed with me through the rest of my life. And then finally, on Christmas day I got my Xbox. And I had to make a GamerTag. (I did not have Live at the Time) I called it Bunny. Then finally, after a couply days of hard work, I got Xbox Live working. And then I had to make a dicition on the GamerTag I really wanted.
    So I tried plain Bunny, although it was taken, which upset me, (I can speak, read, and write Russian.) So I found an alternative. I called myself ZayatZ. When it is pronounced, it means Bunny is Russian. So that GamerTag stuck with me through my early days of Halo. Although it got old after a while, so I decided to change it, I took a couple of days thinking of what my GamerTag should be Changed to, and I came up with I Evil Bunny I. So that stuck with me for about 3-4 months until I started really getting into MLG. And you know what type of crazy names people have in MLG, so I decided to change it to BuNnY Iz BeAsT that GamerTag stuck with me the least amount of time, as I quickly grew to dislike it. And then, making my last change, I made it IB u IN N ii which it is now. Will be forever, and looks the sickest on my opinion.
  14. Near Fate

    Near Fate Ancient
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    Hmmm... well I guess I wanted to play Live so badly for the first time I just went with some random name (OutFallen) and just went with it. I regret it and hope to change it soon.
  15. Canti

    Canti Ancient
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    Fly Routine

    The origins of my GT...

    Fly Routine

    I started getting into Dead Rising around the winter of 2007. I played and played AND PLAYED. I had a particular liking to the song that plays when you face Steven (The Store Manager). The song (Fly Routine - Hostile Groove) is awesome, But I did not think of it at first.

    My first GT was YinYang Edge. And I played on that for like.. A month. Then came the time that the account had expired. I was, Of course, Whoring off of getting multiple accounts for unlimited play. I created Fly Routine on a whim, My father creating the name, DeboThePwnage. From there we battled with those names. Untill my father of course came to his senses and got us both 13-month memberships. Which had doubled sometime around August. (I don't know, I guess Microsoft had a hiccup.) I'm still using Fly Routine, And my father uses the name, KingUrameshi.
  16. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    H3C - H3Customs
    Nevz - Last name's Neville. :D Yarly.
  17. darkducky15

    darkducky15 Ancient
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    well... when i was younger i was called 'ducky' as a nickname. 15 is just weirdly pops up in my life, just sooooo many accasions and i <3 THE DARK dark+ducky+15= darkducky15 or dd15
  18. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Mine (Darkmaster949) started when I was black, then I got plastic surgery like MJ and now I'm white. The numbers 949 comes from my runescape account, "macewindu949"
  19. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Well arrrgh is derived from my email address (regardless of the fact people think I'm trying to be a pirate)
    I think it's quite obvious SAM is because my name is..can you guess?
  20. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I like the color Yellow, what can I say?

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