Here is a list of mine. Code: XxNoJokexX24 - Not sure Punkrabbit 09 - Just thought of it. LS x Pure Envy - LS is a clan. Then I was read the dictionary and found purity and envious. I loved this name, had many XBL memories...and hacking memories, very fun. LoC x DeFenDeR - LOC is a clan, and Defender is my username.
Gamertag: Dizypher I got NO clue where I got this gamertag from. It randomly popped into my head, and I liked it
Haha, mine was XBOX generated. I was getting a one month account, and just went to the show all available GamerTags option, saw InferiorPigeon and was like, "Ohh, that sounds catchy.." =P I renewed my XBL subscription afterwards.
My GT is just1legend The backstory is that I went through THREE gamer Tags, I would say a legend. I also got the Idea of Perfect Legend (a pro gamer). someone took the one (letter) so used one (number)
I am pretty good at no-scoping. And I like to do so. So i put this. I though it was funny. GT- Whats A Scope <<
I was trying to think of an original gamertag. So I was looking around the basement and i saw a box, and I just added "The Evil" infront of it.
My GT is "Sarge Kittykins" I was at a friends house playing some xbox and we decided we wanted to do team SWAT. I couldn't recover my gamertag because my brother made it on one of his friends obscure emails so we decided I could make one using one of my friends free months. We decided to call it Sarge Kittykins for the sole purpose of screwing with little kids. (Insanely fun) When I got home I turned on my xbox to find my subscription had expired so I was forced to recover my incredibly manly gamertag. I get about 5 friend requests a day from strange little kids
Kangaroo Killa: it means that I hate those people who like jump around, andrun around poles and stuff so I can't finish them off.
Mine is The Persister, most people said that I could bicycle long and fast, I actually caught up 4 kilometer of a trip of our school on my bike just to be there and they said: You're the real Persister aren't you, so I used it as a gamertag to remind me of my trust, my persistance and love for my friends. That how I got it.
Cheesepuffs96. I saw it when I was online in halo 2. Thought that was really funny so.. I adopted it. I used to be Darkwing79.
Origin of my gamertag (Elitemastersam): sam= First name mastersam= Jedi name Elitemastersam= Jedi name was taken so I added the word "Elite" in front of it No, I did not use the word Elite because of the Elites in Halo, and I did not use the word master because of Master Chief. I know, the gamertag is retarded and I would change it if it were not for the fact that changing it costs 800 microsoft points which I would rather spend on DLC.
My friend started a clan so i changed my gt from RacoonSniper13 to Sn1p3r K1Ilx. His gamertag is Sn1p3r K1llx so over live it looks almost the exact same.
Don't even ask where "EpicFishFingers" came from. I don't like fish fingers much, and they're not really that epic. I had had a bit to drink when I came up with the GT. Just call me Alex. My real name's not as stupid.
Spartan7371-I just got my xbox live when a friend visited me, and I wanted to get a gt fast, so I named me that ****... But I also do not want to change it, because my name is author of my screenshots.
Valikus is a name that has been tagged to my gaming history for a while now. I think I created it when I was playing Diablo II:LOD *woot* and I needed an epic name. So I sat at the computer coming up with names until Valikus came to my mind and it clicked. So there you have it, the origin.
My gamertag has nothing to do with the movie American Psycho. My brother's friend and I were trying to think of a cool name, and we just came up with it somehow. I like it and probably won't ever change it.