Well, back in the day when I was a cheap bastard, and Microsoft allowed it, I would make a new profile for live every month, and so, instead of thinking about my GT, I just chose the first thing that came to mind. Well the previous night I saw Sweeney Todd, and so I wrote it in 1337, and there you have it.
Mine was just going to be Reaper, but it was taken, So I was going to be Reaper000, Which was also taken and so then I tried Reaper117 Which was ALSO taken. I just added the two together and I got 101070
Well my gamer tag is Mechutu. Its a name I just randomly came up with for Oblivion for my most powerful character but then it was Meshitu. So later on after that I start playing World of Warcraft and used that name but I messed up and traded the I for a U. A long while after that I finally get an Xbox 360 and use the name from WoW and thats how it formed.
Originally Gerrymander from when a member of the house of representatives redrew his area of support in a crazy fashion just to get the votes to keep his position, a reporter called it a Gerrymander, combination of his name and a salamander. That was taken, so instead of Gerry, I put Garret, which is a character in the Mercenaries game.
when i was like 7 i made a account on some thing and called it fill but i spelled it wrong but i liked so then i totally own so its fill the ownet
My GT While I was trying to come up with a gt i was turning my iPod on and then pressed shuffle songs, and of course the first song to come up was peanut butta jelly time. So I just went with that.
my gamertag is guitarmasta2 well actually it isnt my gamertag... its my cousins he had it on xbox 1 then when 360 came out he was too broke to buy one. i bought one and took his gamertag cause it still had like 5 months left. hmmm i think he is still paying for it oops!!
AClockworkFish was given to me by my bro because I don't own a gamertag, and he said it's a play on the movie 'A Clockwork Orange'
Well my first name is Zack, so I just wanted my gamertag to be Z(insert last name here) like my brother did. But I didn't want to get raped over the internet, because I have a very uncommon last name, and my favorite colorwas green, so i figured Zgreen. But I messed it up the first time I made a gamertag, so then I had to change it to ZgreenZ.
well mine just came off the rapper Tech N9ne. I thought his name was pretty cool. So i decided on just switching the "ch" with a "k" instead to make room. But TekN9ne was taken. So I added Killa just to represent what i do on FPS games...
Well, It was originally my dad's account, but then he gave to me cause I am just the good His nickname at work was Homer, and he works for the Saskatchewan Power Company so that explains the SPC in my name. Put it all together and you get B08, I mean HomerSPC.
Mine was simply what i am BIGGnelson i didn't relize some people would call me Big G but whatever its a fine name with me and im keeping it
you may not believe this... My gamer tag is the name of a demon who I met when i was on laughing gas. Talann Zar. Talann Zar did not like me at all, and said that the next time i saw him, he'd kill me. I took him seriously because he was almost nine feet tall and had a huge sword. THIS IS ALL TRUE! I freaking sharted myself! I never let the doctor use laughing gas anymore. *shudders* because that's how I met Talann in the first place.
I used to work at a video game store when I was younger. The first entry of the day was transaction one. Upon creating my live account it struck me there is no transactionzero... Thus, transactionzero.
mine (pull my fingerr) origionated when i first got Xbox live, as well as my Xbox 360. me and my frined were trying to come up with a witty and funny name, but nothin good was coming up, so he said "i cant conciontrait with you farin all the time. im going to pull you finger, and lets be rid of it." and so, i earned my name in the choking blood of my enemys and friends. (and family, and pets, and neibors, and-)