Its not what you think. Excaliber is not Excalibur authors sword. It is the name of an insane military weapon Its like a vulcun. I found it so cool i named my gamertag after it. And for the 444 i put that in there to be orginal.
Speaking of military weapons I almost changed my name to Blackhawk13 but I suppose that was already taken
I wanted to be at the top of everyone's friends list, and I used to be an active member of Achievement Junkie. I might change it soon.
My name is Mack. I wante something easy to rember. Mackmack was taken. So i went with Mackmack5. ( :-\ Thrilling story, isn't it :-\)
My gamertag, Bergtau, is what my 70 Gnome Warlock in WoW is called. German Translation: Berg = Mountain Tau = Dew I really love that soda.
My dog's name is Waffle. She was born 2+ years ago on my birthday. My gamertag is a Waffle in the development phase (it's a programming thing).
Mine is the way it is since my name is Curt, and Delta Team is the most kick ass military unit in the world. Plus, i dont like to admit it but, its was partially due to the fact i had just finished playing GoW when i made it : /
My old name from when I was an internet newb was Cody2526 I took a number(it's not really important) 2566 and substituted my lucky/favorite number, 2, in for the first 6. But that was pretty stupid, and I prefer a name without numbers, especially I learned numbers looked stupid and gave a bad first impression to me. So I made a pun. In my spare time I read books, and don't mind reading(as opposed to friends) and can memorize certain stuff pretty easy if I get into it(lines, especially, I should be an actor) and a Codex is an old type of book. I added an extra X because it would distinguish me and would help make sure the name is available in more places. My actual gamertag uses TheCodexx because some jerk took Codexx years ago on XBL and never played anything. If you look him up, the account was literally created and forgotten, and Xbox refuses to delete it, even though it was created and never used, wasting server space.
I think there should be a gamertag registration thing, where If you haven't played/logged on in something like 9 months, your gamertag would become open for others to take, then if you did get back on after the time, you would have to choose a new one.
Haha that is a horrible idea, if I buy a username it is mine for eternity. I have gone 2 times without logging on in 9 months and its a shame to think I would have lost my name because of it. Luckily this will never happen.
When i was learning latin, i also got an xbox 360. I was known as an awesome sniper in other shooters so i decided to mix some latin with english so i ended up with Tele(far away) and Avenger. My dad is also a telemarketer so he wanted tele in my name.
mine is just my last name and first initial .... the 55 only because it wouldn't let me recover my GT that was just s_tygard ..... oh well.
is it weird that i am actually truely upset about that? although, its really funny when people on my team that dont know me are like: "hey teetmare hey teetmare" sigh.... i was thinking maybe i should have kept pushing their limits of different ways to spell titmar