"Shirriff," Came from Lord of the Rings, and the Shirriffs are higher ranks police hobbits. "Moro," came from a hobbit name generator, and when I put my name in, Moro Gamgee Whitfurrows is what I got.
MereAzzkicker85 was the name that was given to me randomly from Live so I stuck with it. Not very original and tends to make people talk trash but it could be worse.....or could it?
Mummblez09... When I was little I had speech problems, I mumbled a lot had a lisp. All my friends had nicknames, this one stuck.
Alright I have 3 Xbox Live accounts. 2 of the are silver and one is gold and I just made the 2 silvers today. evil bla (gold) Perfectdarkl33t(silver) |71V1rGinIanz|(silver) Perfectdarkl33t: Made it up here on Forgehub because I wanted to use something else besides evil bla |71V1rGinIanz|: Robert Williams quote.
lmao wetbeaver mine is from an episode of family guy in which stewie tags along with brian to go to college and buys a modern art painting which he then names "crazy stairs" and later breaks while playing ultimate frisbee. My sister and i LAUGHED OUR ASSES OFF at this even though we'd already seen it like a million times i tried to find the video on youtube but they dont have it srry
I got my gamertag from the graphics card by ATI radeon. I saw the name and really thought it was cool looking mixed with Mlg. I love to play MLG tourneys and go to them regularily. So, yeah, that's how it started.
well, I'm missing my left ring finger so that leaves me with a thumb...3 fingers...and anub....thus athum3andanub.
Mine originates from the fact that I'm 1/8th Dutch, though I am American born. I used to use a tag of TruPwner on computer games, but me and my brother shared a gamertag for a while so I created TruDutch to suffice. While my brother now has TruPwner as his GT, I kept TD with it's whopping 1200+ gamerscore! haha
As many of you have probably done, I thought for a long while about the final gamertag I would bestow upon myself and debated which one was the most fitting. A week or so of deep and philosophical study I found myself burning the day away on the home computer and being the music freak that I am, was listening to music at the time. As I sat in thought a song by an artist called DC Talk came along. The name of the song was Jesus Freak which was a song I had listened to often but never really considered using. It then struck me that I was indeed a Christian and considered by some to be a freak. Unfortunately, the name Jesus was not allowed to be in my gamertag so I settled for another name of Christ and that happened to be Yahweh. And so YahwehFreak4evr was born. YF (Why did you bother reading this?)
i really dnt know how i came up with this name, i guess i took Z from my name, Zach and then strike from my dad used to always calling me zachattack and i didnt like Zattack so strike = attack and 13 is my fav # so Zstrike13...
i'm white. lyrical genius. music god. friend like. we make rap music. i make beat and lyric. we rap rap rap. i brian. i bnasty. phone number 574. i bnasty574
my current one doesn't have any really story behind it, but my origanl one does. It was Fireball and the reason for this is when ever i played any flying game i would always end up crashing.
my god lol first i was halo kid 2, long ago lol, then fearlessknight2, long ago, then f3arles, then xxxxFearlessxxxx, and then i finally chose paulie walnuttz cause i love the sopranos, and im italian, and its my nickname where i live
My initials are RML and I'm been considered a class clown so RMLol seemed to fit. RMLol. Rolls off the tongue, don'tcha think?
I chose GT of Krootalus because a real life friend recommened it to me because I was gunna change it to something else from Bsp Avenger (yeah i know lame isn't it) I like krootalus so, i chose it, and it stuck, but i'm gunna change it to BooM Krootalus cuz i'm entering clan BooM with friend. :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_rubberduck: :squirrel_sad: :squirrel_shiftyeyes: :squirrel_wink: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_jaffa:
OMG i still have my shoes u haven't stolen them mysterious figure. AHHHH why does this keep happening to me??? please answer question