People say I sound like shaq sometimes because of my deep voice. Shaq calls himself "da big Aristotle". The real Aristotle is pretty cool too.
I'm a fan of professional wrestling. So my tag came from a Wrestler Named "X-Pac"(Sean Waltman). The 3:16 comes from "Austin 3:16". You'll know what I'm talking about if you watched wrestling. But I had this name long before XBox Live. I had it since ChuChu Rocket on the Dreamcast, which was the first online game I have played. I was sitting in front of the tv looking at the registration screen wondering what i should use for a name and i randomly chosen X-Pac, replaced it with an 'S' and here I am.
I just looked at the table infront of me and saw - HPsauce, now thats a good companionship with bacon, sausages and everything else in a fry-up - So ill reflect that with my gamertag. Theres plenty of HP to go around....
BANDiTzero 18 My dogs name was Bandit, he was a blue heeler, and a diamond straight on top of his head. Thats why I dotted the "i" & fav. # is 18 I would have made BANDiT 18, but my brother screw up the profile info on =/ the zero is because i used to skateboard before it got too boring for me.
Some intresting stories on here... Mine wasn't really that intresting. I just wanted like a oxymoron type thing (an oxymoron is 2 oppostie words or something like "Living dead"). Also I always wanted something with "Fresh" in it cause I always thought that it was a cool word. Kinda gangsta :squirrel_giggle:. So I came up with A Nasty Fresh. See the oxymoron? I can't be Fresh if I'm Nasty... Haha so yeah thats my story. P.S. Alot of people say its the most creative and cool name they've ever heard. And I completely agree! :squirrel_rocking:
Evil Bla...hmmmmmmm Well, I wanted something evil, but not something sinister like Evil Blade (Which is Ironicly already taken even though I didn't try it) but something with evil in it. Since I am as random as can be, I tend to think up random stuff. I sure as hell didn't want numbers in my name because that would send out the idea that I R not imaginitive over the rest of the Xbox Live Community. So I though up some random words and Bla sounded best. (Fetus was my second pick) For some reason whenever I play live (especially on Gears of War) people say this sentance ALL THE TIME: Me: Yeah! Overkill biiiiaaatch! Them: Wow, you ARE Evil Bla Me: WTF? ...oh hey, headshot! w00t
well i don't think you need to hear why my mother named me Miles, but thats my name... and the "D", well i have no D in my name, but the hippie kids i kick it with always called me "miles davis"... then i'd say "do i LOOK like miles davis to you? i don't even play the trumpet... i play sax and bass.... i'm not cool enough from that name...." soon enough they agreed that i was not cool enough to be called miles davis, so it's be shorterned to miles d... and 37... well.... "36?!?!? does that INCLUDE me?" "you're 37" "I'M 37?!??!?!...." seeing as to there are probably younger gamers that may read this, i'll stop the quote there, for more... watch "Clerks" by kevin smith.... one the best movies ever!
i was on a website dedicated for the Matrix movies and such, It had this thingy where you type in YOUR name and it will give you your MATRIX NAME like Neo, trinity, etc. Since my name is Xavier, i put in Xavier. It came out with Xanon. I was like, "cool, never heard of this nam, Imma keep it." So then on thats been my name for like a bunch of stuff. =]
my name + man = taken! my name + man + 123 = gay! alot of people have 123 in their names my name + man + 132 = super sick awesome kaya + man + 132 = kayaman132
Well mine is a combo of 2 names both have there own story, So here it goes: Cobra is my main character name since I was 8, I named it not after an animal, but the car, because I was into cars alot when I was 8. The I put Col. because It had CO in it like Cobra and it was High ranking so bam it stuck. Its been my main FPS name ever since. Death is my Guild Wars Character name, My friend found some friends that started a guild call Elona(A continent on guild wars) Guards. So they had element names (Elona Guard)Fire, Water and Air. I was going to take Earth (which later on I did) But someone took it. And I thought long and hard and I thought "what about Death?" so I went with death and is what everyone referred to me as when I joined other guilds and such. Now when the combination sprung: Now I was making my GT online and I was going to name it Col.Cobra, but it was taken. And then I thought "What about DeadlyCobra" That was taken and I refused to have anything goofy, or numbers, and a GT that I will like forever. So then I went Deathlycobra and hell, it worked. It was funny to first few weeks because every said "Uuuhh, cobra, its Deadly not Deathly" I just laughed because I knew it was a real word.
I planned on Naming myself Ninja Kid... but that was taken... so I was thinking of Neos Ninja then that's how it happened
my gamertag.. i thought of it way before i got xbox live i was playing soccer 05 on the first xbox and i was playing with my cousins and i made my own person named keegan (my real name) and i was playing as mexico for some odd reason and then i just said keeganno and forgot about until november 07' and then made it my gamertag. ;; :squirrel_blush:
mines really simple, my name and YO in all caps, my friends will never be messed up with numbers at the end or instead of letters JASONYO
I Ghonneria I, my name came from my buddies imagination and philosiphy because he said we should all have names that put fear into people when they see it and should be something that is known to cause destruction..
Well I don't think people are scared when they see a person named 'Evil Bla' cause mass distruction and mayhem.
I guess I should let everyone in on mine. I was originally Prawn 590X way back in the halo 1 days (my P59 stamp is a throwback to that name). One day, my brother brought home a basketball game... street hoops, I think. I didn't want to play, but he made me make a character. Reluctantly, I named my 7' tall fat-man Rick the ****. Eventually I got into the game, and it gave me the nickname: Cosmic. The full name stuck. Cosmic Rick the ****. But that didn't fit as a gamertag, so I shortened it. People in MM still guess it right all the time, though. lol.
My original Halo 2 name (Dielusionz, a play on delusions) was lost and I couldn't recover it, so I had to come up with something new. My old name was like my online identity in everything from Livejournal,to Yahoo,to,to basically everything I sign up for on the internet. So understandably it was hard to let go of that name and actually think of a new one. So after much thought I came up with Creep1ng De4th. I thought it was a cool online name,especially for deathmatch games like Halo. The origin of that name is obvious to Metallica fans,not so much to others. Want proof of the greatness of the song and why I am inspired by it? Here's a video of Creeping Death performed by Metallica with Joey Jordison(incredibly sick drummer) filling in for Lars. Oh, and if I ever make a montage of nasty kills and whatnot this is instantly the theme song,so I have dibs,no snatchies. [youtube][/youtube]