OrificeThis my map Orifice. The gameplay is centered around the pit. This map supports-4-8 players. Weapons are Battle Rifles, Maulers, Sword, SMGs, Sniper Rifle, and Brute Spikers. Equipment are also plasma grenades, spike grenade, and bubble shield. Pictures- [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Download link- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=77992513 Please give credit to Royal Bloodbath also
not bad... not bad at all. The construction looks pretty clean. Only thing is, if your going to have a sniper rifle, either delete the walls or create a raised platform that overlooks most/all the map.
wow really nice design with the map, i lovethe center, on how you created a pit. with pict. number 3, looks like there could be some cleaning up with the floor, but its not all that bad. i alos love the collums in that same picture (#3) great idea with that. maybe update this thread so that there is some more pictures on the rest of the map. kinda seems its just focusing on the center, when it looks like there is more to the map. over all great map.
This looks alright, I really like some of the aesthetic touches you have implemented near the sniper spawn, namely the red and blue collumn structures, and the peice that the snper sits on. The gameplay looks like it would be great with 3-4 person free for all or 2v2. Well made. btw I dsagree with MONSTERheart, the sniper seems to be in an efficient, yet not overpowering spot.
Sweet map,symmetrical too. I like the pit in the middle that'll make for some hetic gameplay for sure! The bases are nice too. Nice multi-leveling as well. Can't say much about the layout though,maybe add a complete weapon and equipment list including respawn times and such. Also some parts of your map look a tidbit imperfect,but im sure this doesnt detract from gameplay at all. Nice job 4.2/5. Keep on forging!
the one thing i noticed in the decripyion was that u had plasmas and spike grenade that usually mess up gameplay do to people switching out the grenades at the last second and not having to go through three different grenades just my opinion
When i saw that first picture, my first thought was "this looks really good, but it seems like you would be able to hide under those wood bridges", I never would have thought that you would have made that into a 2nd walkway on your map, very impressive, i also love what you did with the rest of the map it looks like it will play very well. I just have one question, where are the other teleporters located on the map to get up to the ledges where sniper are located?
Hey thanks for you all's feedback and to's Runic's questions if you look at the first pic the two where structures are at each base there is a teleporter. I'll probably make a cleaner versions of this map.