Orient Gardens, Ascended Vale, Panama Canal, Hamster Hole (due to change)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CaptnSTFU, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I'll upload some of my hand sketched stuff in a little bit so for now a text write up will have to do.

    Anyway here we go Orient Gardens, Just as the name suggest. I am planning a conquest map bases solely around Japanese style gardens. Imagine if you will Japanese style buildings along with a river (that you die if you fall in) running through the whole map. 100% symmetrical and with rock gardens placed strategically for fighting and beauty.

    Ascended Vale, loosely based off of Pandora's floating mountians, i am working on a map kinda the same to Descended Vale but in the sky, based around mountains with a huge dual waterfall center piece. It will also boast 2 mountains that block the views of both teams, only allowing certain spaces to let the enemy shoot across.

    Panama Canal is just as it seems also haha, i was thinking about it oh 3 hours ago in my college history class. Then it clicked wow an urban styled map similar to how the middle of the Panama Canal map on BF2 looks, specifically for conquest. This map will boast a very industrialized feel, which i am not known for haha.

    The last but not least is a map i picked up that i do have pics of just not up atm. Hamster Hole is a conquest map originally made by Nick (thaRatMan) anyway he didn't want it so i took over. The feel im making for this map is kinda like that of a primal cave dwelling. The starting points seem some what dull but lead to a very and i mean very glamors middle territory. It also has something other maps havn't ever had yet. That i will tell of later on.

    Anyway like i said i'll put up 3 hand sketches of my maps then put up the pics of Hamster Hole later on.

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