There is a spot where the roof overhead looks a bit dumpy, but that doesn't really drawback anything from the overall aesthetics. You have used pieces in some ways I have never seen before which is interesting, and adds a little aesthetic ingenuity to your map. I'm sure it plays well, but I don't really play reach for anything but mini-games and forging nowadays.
Cyborg, the name stems from my preference to use words from older "classic" i guess you could say languages, such as Greek, or Latin etc... to name my maps (see my sig for the my 3 map names). Orbis was originally a true octagon (it's now elongated in 1 direction) so I was looking for a word to represent this circular nature. Some way or another I stumbled upon Orbis which is circle, or/and other similar words and it just felt like a nice fit, and was unique. Mudnub, I'd love to hear feedback from you once you get a game or just get to do a good walk through of the map, hope you enjoy and glad to see someone else liking the slightly odd weapon set. Taco- I'm pretty sure I know the spot you mean, some angles can look kinda rough in that spot, mainly due to object limitation and a few odd angles I had in that area. Also my desire to keep the "chimney" open, which for those who don't know is the odd "tac flight" (i'll call it that) route that I put in that a jet packer can utilize. Aesthetic ingenuity is not something I am use to hearing about myself, so thank you.
Hello hello, yes I did get a game although it was only a 1v1 because I only have one other friend who gives a **** about halo. Woe is me. Aaaanyway I enjoyed the weapon set and as others have said I enjoy maps that force you to use the focus rifle at closer ranges than people assume you should use it at because I find it's one of those rare weapons which is useful at a whole bunch of distances. The forging is clean and I liked some of the tac jumps I could take up to top mid. As far as the bad goes, I've only have one game but it sort of felt like the 'up' player would always just go to top mid with the focus rifle and the player who was losing had to remove them from top mid, often with grenades, although admittedly my 1v1 settings are very minimalist and there's no jetpacks or whatnot which I think would have given me a better way to force my opponent off high ground I'm not sure. It also has the problem that I often have with symmetrical maps of a certain size, in that if I've killed someone on one side I can often predict very easily where they have spawned and what weapons they'll be able to access. I understand why people do symms for 2v2 because you want it to be 100% fair, but I personally find symm maps slightly dull in doubles situations and often prefer asymmetrical maps with symmetrical access to power weapons and high ground, which is a lot harder to pull off than it is to say admittedly. That is my personal opinion though so take it as you will.
Alas, I am that friend. We tested about 4 other maps that day ('tested' = 'played 1v1s on') and both agreed that this was the best of the bunch. It has decent flow although it took me a couple of minutes to get my head around the layout. My only real criticism is that it's just too symmetrical, and could really do with some stronger visual cues to tell players which side of the map they're actually on. More than a couple of times I would race to the spot where I had just been killed in the hope of recovering some of my weapons, only to find I was now on the opposite side of the map. Other than that it's a nice map, good job. There's a couple of nice little tactical jumps or whatever you want to call them, which I'm always a fan of.
Love the feel of this map,you got a dl from me. But for some reason I think it was sort of inspired by one of the first levels in Marathon Duarandal. Your Map has definitely brought back some of the classic gameplay. Also I noticed there was a tiny hiccup with the framerate looking down a certain hallway... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW MAPS VANTAGE ARENA Remade Clearice Check 'em out
Well I can defiantly tell you that it wasn't inspired by anything in Marathon, as i've never played it. Would you be willing to jump into a custom with me and show me where you found a issue with the frame rate? or a picture showing me the angle would be great as well so that I can get a fix out for that, because I had never seen or heard of issues on the map before now. Mudnub, thanks for taking the time to get a game on it and give some feedback. I can see and understand a lot of what you said, some of that is defiantly characteristics of the map, although some are also the problems of a 1v1. If you ever want to see what it's like for 2v2 or objective just let me know and we can probably get something together. Explosium, thanks for the comment, orientation can always be a bit of a problem on forge maps, which is why I tried to color everything as much as possible to give that visual cue, alas I guess it can't always be enough. Glad you enjoyed it, and I'll keep the visual cues in mind for this and other maps to come.