Excuse all the weapons (mostly heavy on this map) but they are needed to play it correctly. Hello all, AnnoyingIguana here with my second map. This one uses very little scenery and relies on placement. This is a map I created clear back when i first started playing on Xbox Live. I am proud to present, OPTK Heights! It is a map created for basic teamslayer gametype and is mostly out of the level. (For red team) There are very few weapons on the actual map, and the ones that are are very heavy. I haven't much to say about this map besides it is confusing and hard the first few times. Now from red base, to Camp Fro-man. 1. Inside red base (if you dont spawn on top) the teleporter is around the corner. Go through it (walk do not jump) (also when on the roof, if you jump you die instantly) 2. Now walk to the edge of the roof between the barriers that face out. Do not walk off. Walk as close as you can to the edge and youll see an exposed radio antennae. You must turn around and back off, hold forwards and do a controlled fall onto it. Walk halfway down its length and turn left and jump into the room with the gravlift. 3. Jump into the gravlift and get up to where the bruteshot is. Jump unto the heating duct, and follow its length. Crounch under the wall halfway. Walk all the way to the other wall and turn right. There will be a small metal thing coming out of the wall. IT doesnt exist. Walk through it and continue into the next teleporter. 4. Your outside outside the level now. You can either go down the radio antennae to the weps or can can jump off to the missile pods. Now go to the missile pods . Dont go outside the cones or you die. Walk all the way to the gravlift at the end of the wall and go up it. You are now ontop of camp froman... _________________ From blue base there is a teleporter in the corner that leads to a weapons armory to fight off the roof top people. Good luck and have fun. Enjoy the map.
Awesome! I have been trying to get outside for a while now! Seems like a lot of effort for the red team lol...you have my DL..I gotta see it!
Well as said there is an armory but only for the team that has the ground. Heavy weapons so it's easier to kill the roofers. Updated: More pictures.