Opinion On Boosting?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Osl112, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Osl112

    Osl112 Forerunner

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    Boosting. Quite a few times I have been put into an Oddball game where in one corner one person is assassinating the same two players over and over. I despise this.
    Not only this, but boosting on "ONI: Swords Base". Is this acceptable?

    So, let me ask you, What Is Your Opinion On Boosting? Yes? No? Are certain types acceptable? What is acceptable? Are you forced into doing it?

    I will admit, I boosted on Swords Base once for 5 minutes. I don't like it and it is potentially breaking the game. However, boosting on competitive matchmaking is totally out of order. I will never boost again. So what about you?

    (No one bring up that I might get banned for boosting on Swords Base, as Bungie have said "you are still playing the game".)
    #1 Osl112, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  2. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    I really feel that there's not much point to boosting in reach. You'll get to the end eventually. It's not like halo 3 where it took 5 matches to go up a rank level and 1 to drop it back down. I can pretty much guarantee you wont drop ranking (unless Bungie thinks you've cheated)

    You know what being a Lt. Col. Grade 3 does for you... nothing (except being able to unlock armor but that does nothing but change your looks so...)
    It doesn't mean you're any better at reach than the Warrant Officer. It just means you've played a lot.

    I know there's a lot of exceptions in what I said, but the point is boosting doesn't matter
  3. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    The only way I look at boosting is that you have no life. If you boost even once your the biggest failure at life.
  4. Osl112

    Osl112 Forerunner

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    Don't forget there is bragging rights also. I play the amount of Halo games I do as I enjoy Reach a lot, but when you see that another player has cheated their way to where you are now, it is increasingly annoying.

    People think you are better when you are higher ranked, compared to looking at the stats.
  5. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    Haha it's funny though. With reach's ranking, I've been more excited to see a warrant officer or major on my team than a lt col. Don't get me wrong, there's some people at lt. col that have rightfully earned it (i think...) but I've also slaughtered teams with lt. cols

    Boosting however doesn't usually increase your skill level like playing actual people does. I've played a fair amount of gruntpocalypse (post bungie's adjustments) and I've found I don't play as well in my next few competitive matches. People are far more unpredictable. Sure, it may be a good warm up round, but a round of swat could probably do the same for you.
  6. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I belive boosting is wrong, I look at the Lt. Colonel's service records in just about every match I go into, and probably about 75% of them have Onyx commendations in campaign multikills and heavy weapons, and many also in flawless cowboy (which I believe is the worst boost possible, I can't belive Bungie lets that one slide) Another 5% have onyx in firefight for the ones associated with gruntapocalpse. So that leaves the 20% of us Lt. Colonel's who have gotten our ranks legitly.

    I don't mind a Lt. Colonel who actually just played campaign alot (non-boost) but i still expect them to be pretty bad, but better than a booster.

    I also laugh at people on my friends list that I see at Captain with Onyx campaign medals. This probably means that they just did it all in one day and hit the credit cap.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I hate boosting. In my opinion, if you can't just play the game, you're a loser baby who has no patience. Like it was pointed out above, its fairly easy to rank up... just play. Its like the old 1-50 system, where it was hard to get to the top. Its just a matter of time now

    gruntpocolypse still takes time to get all those headshots. i have onyx dome inspector because of it, but i'm not ashamed of this. its in the game. so what's legit? only getting them in firefight? oh wait, sniper fight its too easy to kill stuff, so do those not count either? where's the legit line that everyone keeps talking about? The only time have a problem with boosting is when it affects a match I'm in. I don't really CARE if someone easy-cR'd their way to their rank.
    #7 IH8YourGamerTag, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  8. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Boosting means you are awesome.

    You know how to kill stationary enemies. :D

    /sarcasm boosting/farming/lagging cR = *****.
  9. huddledbread

    huddledbread Forerunner

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    I personally don't give one **** if you boosted to Lt colonel grade 3 from ONI Sword Base, I don't do it I much rather prefer getting to that rank legit but some people prefer playing lots of fire fight or lots of campaign, as long as they are having fun it doesn't really matter.
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Yeah, its exactly the same as level boosting in Oblivion, stat boosting in CoD, or whatever game you please. It doesnt hurt anybody else really and its just their way of having fun in the game. Its quite fun to do these things just because you are not supposed to, why dont you try it yourself? Credits mean nothing so its not like having the most is an accomplishment regardless of how you go there, its not a way to measure the fun. So make it fun and don't worry about stupid things lol.
  11. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    I want Birthday Party and that Robotic Arm, just for the heck of it. Soooo, I guess I support boosting - just been too lazy to do it myself. :v 8x,xxx credits so far - I should get off my ass. Or rather, get on it, in front of the Xbox. After I get those two, I'll probably just have a pile of credits laying around. >_> I have absolutely nothing else I wanna spend them on, since Elites don't get sexy credit-based gear. :( +1 For Elites wearing a Cup and Shoulder Pads! I mean wut...
    #11 Kittenpaste Company, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  12. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Boosting is terrible.

    People have no patience if they boost. You will get there soon but it will take a while. also when you boost it takes out all the joy in getting a challenge legitly.
  13. Kosmik Volfe

    Kosmik Volfe Forerunner

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    Boosting is okay, if they want to get easy credits then let them. It's not affecting you so why make a big deal about it? People have their own way of playing games. I for one have admitted to doing Oni and getting two onyx commendations. However I don't go about boosting every commendation that I need. I only have been playing the game to get the daily challenges done.
  14. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Seriously Birthday Party is pretty dang cheap, I got that like first week or 2, Robotic Arm is cheapish, just you have to be Lt. Colonel.

    On an unrelated note, I hope everyone is doing those daily/weekly challenges!!!
    #14 FlamingArmadillo, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  15. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    This is true, people whine about others boosting, but I think what it boils down to is they're upset they've been putting "hard work" into getting their rank whereas others are doing it quickly. In the end, it's the score of the game that matters, not the rank. And even then everyone has off days.

    Now the guy in the original post has a right to complain about boosting. These guys are manipulating the score of the game in their favor thus possibly giving all of the other players lower amounts of for their related scores.

    Now I prefer gruntocolypse to complete kill challenges because 1) the competition for weapons & kills in regular firefight was ridiculous and 2) I usually am playing between classes so I can get a good chunk of the challenges done in 15-20 min. And right now, the only thing standing between us and new armor/ranks is a few million challenges.
  16. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I don't have such a big problem with boosters as long as it wasn't the only thing they did. Those people srsly need a life. And boosters mostly are extreme campers in Matchmaking. In Invasion, instead of attacking, they stand near the Sniper spawn and don't do anything except that. I DO boost, but only when trying to get Challenges. Some boosters CAN be non-nooby: They have CQB armor, they don't camp and their top commendations are mostly Pinpoint for Campaign and Get Loud for Firefight.
  17. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    I'm not a hardcore player. I'm doing exceedingly well if I get 10,000 credits in a day. I normally get anywhere from 1,000 to 6,000 (depends on challenges and weather or not I do matchmaking that day). I've had the game since early October, so not even a month yet. D: About to hit Warrant Officer 2 after a bit more matchmaking right now. :p 200,000 isn't anything compared to inclement weather but it sure as heck isn't cheap for a truly casual player.
    #17 Kittenpaste Company, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    You got the game in early October and you're only a Warrant Grade 1? That's pretty bad for someone who is farming credits.
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    you cant say that boosting Oni Sword Base means a person has no life,
    it literally takes about 30-45 minutes to get Onyx.

    I think the OSB thing could have been patched, but whatever. I did it.
    I dont think its harmful because its a single player boost.
  20. Osl112

    Osl112 Forerunner

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    They are few and far between; of course its as simple as looking at the % of commendations complete. I feel as I would have just about got to Lt.Col without the five minutes of boosting.

    Thats also very true.

    You mean commendation? Boosting for challenges is a bannable offence. That is also a good point.

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