Map Title: Operation Husky The Allied Invasion Of Sicily Download Map; Operation Husky Download Gametype; Allied Conquest [img width=800 height=450][/img] Description: This is (to the best of my ability) a recreation of Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of the island of Sicily, July 10th, 1943. This is the map I entered in the Shell Shocked contest. It obviously didn't win....(Insert Profanity Here) but I love it so much I had to keep it up. So here it is; reposted with added sexiness. And squirrels. :squirrel_rocking: The Axis forces INITIALLY spawn about halfway up the beach, then respawn throughout the base, while the Allies spawn directly in (or above) the surf. To simulate the Allied parachute drops, spawn points above the water drop players into a custom power up (75% Gravity, 75% Speed) that simulates a parachute landing. Spawning the two forces in such close proximity at the beginning of the match ensures a pitched battle for the beachhead and the first territory. [img width=800 height=450][/img] After 30 seconds, an Allied supply plane passes overhead, and drops in supply crates. [img width=800 height=450][/img] The Allies continue up the beach, taking territories along the way, with the ultimate goal of seizing the enemy HQ, [img width=800 height=450][/img] and neutralizing a powerful artillery battery. [img width=800 height=450][/img] The Axis, however, are more than prepared. [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] A formidable array of defensive turrets has been deployed, and their headquarters is well-sealed against enemy assault. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Period weapons are used throughout. Both forces spawn with an SMG and Magnum, representing the Thompson and MAB 38 submachine guns, and the Colt M1911 and the Beretta M 1935 pistols for the Allied and Italian forces, respectively. The Carbine is used in lieu of the M1 Garand, a semi-automatic carbine rifle with an eject action eerily similar to that of the Covenant rifle. Shotguns and sniper rifles represent their WWII counterparts, the "Trench Gun" and Lee Enfield SMLE / Carcano M1891. Rocket launchers act as Bazookas and Panzershrecks (on loan from the Germans), with Frag grenades in use by both forces, and the odd Phosphorous grenade, in this case a firebomb. ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A trio of allied paratroopers spawning in. Note the custom powerup to the right. [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] The territories split into two paths after the initial beach landing, before rejoining inside the base again. Allied forces either head right, into the pass.... [img width=800 height=450][/img] ....and up to the town entrance..... [img width=800 height=450][/img] ......or left, up the hill.... [img width=800 height=450][/img] ....and into the bunker. [img width=800 height=450][/img] The paths then converge in the courtyard, [img width=800 height=450][/img] and then continue to the HQ and Artillery Battery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You want historical background, check Wikipedia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So there you go. But I leave you with one final squirrel....... :squirrel_grouphug: Oh yeah; they tore my map down after the contest ended. I hope reposting this isn't against teh rulez. :squirrel_sad:
This actually looks like a very original take on Highground, and I like the historical backdrop. A territories variant seems perfect for an invasion theme. And the custom power-up paratrooper is just awesome, great idea.
Looks nice, good job on try to make it WW2 style. Score Board. Originality: 10 not a lot of territories based games or maps on famous WW2 invasions. Design: 10 looks like you made a solid design overall, the para trooping is a very nice touch. Quality:9 the map is great but the location of one turret upsets me it is just sitting there on the ground. Function:10 looks like it plays great and would roll along nicely. Overall:9.75
looks like this... looks like this... seems like this... play the map first. just a thought. aaaaanyways, this does look pretty interesting, ill give it a go.
i like most historical maps cause they have a story and a reason your shooting the other team (other than because they look different to us) so it's got me interested i will get back to you on it once i've played a game on it, is it only compatible with territories