Operable Openable and Closeable Door

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Hertz381, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a door a made that can open and close whenever you want it 2. First you go up the stairs and go through the door. When you want it to close all you have to do is pick up the overshields and it will close after a couple of seconds. When you want it to open again all you have to do is pick up the camo wait a couple seconds and it will open. Make sure to wait 10 seconds between each opening and closing of the door or it will malfunction. Also you have to pick up the Overshields and camo with your back or you will not be able to pick them up. Heres some pictures.

    Heres how it works so the overshields are holding up a fusion coil when the fusion coil drops it destroys a grav lift making another 1 spawn. This closes the door. Thier is another gravlift on the otherside of the door (the opisite side than the 1 that just spawned) that starts their at the begging of the game. This one is farther away which means it has a weaker force. So the one that just spawned closes the door because it has a stronger force. Now the camo is holding up another fusion coil when it drops it destroys another fusion coil and i made a line of fusion coils so the explosion travels down the line. The line leads to the previosly spawned Grav Lift that was spawned by the overshields. So it then destroys that one. So know the grav lift that was thier the whole time has the stronger force so it re opens the door. So then you can pick up the Overshields again and it happens all over again.

    This is a very big version today I finished my smaller 1 floor version that takes up just a little part of foundry (The spawning place for blue team I believe). But i was just fixing up some interlocking so it looked nicer and i accidently ended the game instead of starting a new round. I did save before so i didnt lose too much. Ill finish it again tommorow and have it posted sometime then.

    Author: Hertz381
    GT: Hertz381
    *Update Pics Fixed*

    Main View of the Building

    View of Door open from Outside
    View of door open from inside
    Door closed from Outside
    Door closed from inside
    The Overshields close the door
    The Camo opens the door

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    #1 Hertz381, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  2. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice pics, you should fix those...use photobucket
  3. Skirym

    Skirym Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your pics dont work. Please upload your pictures to Photobucket them emb them
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    doors have been done before but no door is the same as another... nice job

    EDIT: to fix the pictures go to your bungie.net pictures, press the + button to save them in high def on your computer, then go to photobucket or imageshack.com and upload the images, get the code to embed them in your post, edit your post but replacing the picture with the code, save post, and then you have embedded pictures...

    if this helped feel free to add rep

    EDIT 2: lol like 3 of us posted at once
    #4 M.Jelleh, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  5. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    save them off of bungie.net and upload them to photobucket or imageshack, then put the image url in these [.img.]image url here[./img.] but withought the periods in them
  6. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    download the pics from bungie by clicking on them then uplaos to photobucket copy the img tags into your post sounds good would like to see it
  7. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well you just asked how to fix them and everybody just told you
    anyways i will help.
    first make a photobucket account then go to bungie.net save the picture you took of your map then go to photobucket click choose files then select your picture
    when it is uploaded look at your picture and copy and paste the image code into your thread. hope this helps

    p.s. positive rep plez
  8. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great minds think alike
  9. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i made two doors already, but i would like to see this one too
  10. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw yours mine is more complex it stays open as long as you want and stays closed as long as you want and you can open and close them whenever you want. But mine is also slopier
    #10 Hertz381, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  11. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He is just moving the dumpster back and forth by having the powerups in the way, I don't know how functional it would be if it is what I just said... we will see...
  12. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    looks good but ya you still gotta fix your pix wow that rhymed but i like the doors so ya nice job
  13. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    there are many door maps but many of them can be found on H3 artificers.com
  14. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    See so many of these doors now lol
    see them all the time
  15. Skirym

    Skirym Ancient
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    Just gsve this map a whirle and it is the most terrible switch ive ever seen. Sorry to be such a critic =( I have literally seen X20 smaller doors wich work by just walking into a door, but this takes up a quarter or Foundry! Again sorry to be a critic, but its true!
  16. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that everyone is doing doors now.

    edit: Who the hell gave me bad rep for my sig being to big this is the must stupid thing i have ever heard you could of just pm me to change it or something but until you take this bad rep away or give me a good reason why you think you can just give people for bad rep for nothing then my im keeping my sig.
    #16 Make a map, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  17. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the the way i have a gravlift that spawns and pushes the door closed. When i destroy the gravlift with fusion coils another 1 which is farther away pushes it back look at the map before making coments like this.
  18. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im currently making a 1 floor version thats just the first 1 i made.
  19. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hertz, you didn't have detailed pictures or an explanation on how it worked, so I was making the most logical explanation, and besides I said "If it is how I think" and more importantly "we will see"...

    So i am sorry if it seemed to you that I was flaming...
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love all these weird Gizmos people create.

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