Opening and closing doors

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BraveDave, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    So back in halo 3 I made an infection map where the humans spawned in a room with 4 doors placed around the room. These four doors opened and closed every 10 seconds meaning each door would be open for 10 seconds and would then close itself for 10 seconds. Anyway i really liked this idea and wanted to bring that same concept in halo reach. Naturally I thought that this would be much easier with the better forge bungie had given us, but i was wrong. For some stupid reason bungie decided to make grav lifts indestructible which is good in some cases but not good for switches. I wont bother telling you how i got my doors to work in halo 3 because it would take too long and its cant be done the same way in reach.

    So I was just wondering has anyone got any ideas on how i could possibly make a door that opens and closes preferably in set intervals without any help from a spartan(no walking into a trip mine)?

    Edit: here are some pictures of the old map

    #1 BraveDave, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    OH GAWD HALO 3 LOOKS HORRIBLE. But yeah, not much you can really do about it. Because grav lifts are no longer equipment or destructible objects it completely ruins some switch techs and allows them to be un-creatible.

    However...maybe it could be altered slightly for your use.

    Also offtopic, hows your new 'Black Hole' map coming along?
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have a moveable box on top of a portable shield. Put a fusion coil next to the portable shield and have another fusion coil spawn in the air above the first. Now everytime the fusion coil spawns it will fall, explode, destroy the portable shield, thus dropping the box. After a couple seconds the portable shield will regenerate and push the box back into it's starting position..?

    Just an idea.
  4. DustinDD

    DustinDD Forerunner

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    You could use the door I created and modify it to do exactly what you need. If you changed the spawn time of the land mine and placed the land mine to spawn underneath crate, the weight of the crate would make the land mine blow up. The spawn and despawn of the crate is right around 10-11 seconds.

    Check this out and see if it would do what you need... I think it will.

    Youtube - Download links to my file share are in the description of the video.
    YouTube - Halo Reach Forge door open with a switch

    Forgehub post
  5. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Ive been busy lately so nothing has come of it, and most people didnt seem to think the idea was original or worth doing. But for me I had alot of fun playing that map so im sure youll eventually see it. Thanks for asking :)

    I just tryed a ruff copy which didnt work out to well because the box resisted being pushed up by the shield but I will keep trying. Thx for the good idea

    I like this very much. This could work. At first I wasn't sure what you were saying but I get it now and I think it has a good chance of working. Im just not sure the weight of a box will detonate it (i thought walking up to it was the only way to detonate it). Thx for the idea and good work on your find.
  6. DustinDD

    DustinDD Forerunner

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    All you would need to do is have the crate spawn just a few inches off of the ground so when it spawns it will fall on the landmine and that should set it off.

    I hope it works for you! Sounds like a fun infection map.

    EDIT: I just remembered you wanted to have the doors open for 10 seconds and closed for 10 seconds... If you place the spawn of the land mine inside of the same area of space that the crate occupies when it's in the "closed" state and have it spawn after the crate has been there for 10 seconds, the land mine will automatically explode. (hope that makes sense)
    #6 DustinDD, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  7. ThePsycoOne

    ThePsycoOne Forerunner

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    OK assuming that what DustinDD said on his post about the boxes despawning after 10 seconds is true. then why go to all the trouble of using trip mines and making a complicated switch, simply put a crate in the air that when it falls, blocks the door. After 10 seconds it will despawn and if you put the respawn timer to say 9 seconds (allowing for fall time) then the door will close for about 10 seconds then open for about 10 seconds.

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