Opening and Closing Door

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by patt06snipe, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Hello guys, just wanted to ask if anybody has a working opening and closing door. If you do please put a link to it or explain on here. I just went searching through the forums and found some pretty good ones, but they are not what I am looking for.


    I started working on one today that included two switches and one dumbster. The idea I have is quite simple, although the little details are keeing my door from working.

    How it should work

    Ok, first there is a dumbster in the middle of two grav lifts pushing on it. A wall is on each side of the dumbster that creates a pocket for the dumbster to slide into once the switch is activated. There is a switch on each side of the dumbster. When you walk up you hit a propane tank which goes flying in the direction of fusion blocked off by a wall behind the grav lift. When the propane tank explodes is ignites the fusion coils thus blowing up the grav lift. Then the grav lift on the other side of the dumbster pushes the dumbster into the little pocket where the now blown up grav lift was sitting. (The weapon holder is in the way of the pocket right now so I will have to put it vertically into a wall so its not in the way when the dumbster slides in.) Now that the dumbster is in the pocket you can walk through. After 10 or 20 seconds the blown up grav. lift would spawn and thus forving the dumbster back into the middle. There is a switch on both sides that allow this to happen.


    1 - the dumbster does not slide in perfectly(there is enough room for it to slide in.)

    2 - I am not sure if when the grav lift respawns it will send the dumbster back into place in the middle.

    If you have ideas on how to fix this please help.
    #1 patt06snipe, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  2. unit538

    unit538 Ancient
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    That actully seems like a really cool idea I might try to get it to work
  3. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Here you go, A pmp nmd slkbk and I Zero Fox I made this a long time like a charm though...and if you need to be able to open it from both ways you can just have to interlock another opening custom power up on the other side and set the run time maximum to 2 instead of 1.

    Heres a description they gave,

    The best part about this switch is that it is TOUCH SENSATIVE!!! when you push the button the door does not move, but if you walk up to it and toouch it, it will open
    It can only be opened from one side and there is only one way to get through, run and jump through =] Bt once you use it you have to push the button and the door again to make it work so its like a door with one handle


    The way it works is that the dumpsters spawn in the same place and the second one is pushed into the space where the door is so you cant go through but there is a powerup that spawns in the doorway wich lets it open and there is a min / max switch that when you push the first button, the second one spawns in the doorway, but the game doesnt know yet until the dumpster is move and thats why when you touch it it opens

    And if that isn't enough DL it and have a look at it and see how it works then reconstruct the switch to fit your map. : Halo 3 File Details

    PS: Heres a few images

    #3 Adelyss, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009

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