Do you like maps that are more open or more closed maps on Foundry. Like maps with long lines of sight that you can BR and Snipe on or maps that are full of corridors and shotgun battles?
I think a gentle blend of both makes for the most successful maps, as they cater for all styles of players. Clo-pen maps for the win!
lol clopen but back to the discussion, it really matters on your own playing preference, if you like closed and are making an open map, you may not know what to include, so dont make a map you dont like. that should answer your question without really answering anything lol
i.e.: Map like...The Pit. It does have long lines of sight as well as close-quarters battles. This makes for a great map.
i agree with matty, you should have a map that has closed in shotgun areas as well as open sniper areas
ye a mix of both makes a map special, but depends on the gametype, take infection for example they r best on closed maps, so just think of that when making ur map
I would make enclosed maps every time if I could, but the resources always fail me. Vacillation is enclosed, but the size suffered because of it