Onyx Welcome to my first attempt at a asymmetrical 4-8 player map! I tried to go for a really clean look as the limited amount of players allowed me to add more details than some of the larger maps I usually make. Without further delay here are the details. Weapons Br x2 - 45 seconds Pistol x2 - 35 seconds Sniper x1 - 90 seconds Brute Shot x1 - 95 seconds Frag Grenades x2 - 20 seconds Speed Boost -x1 - 110 seconds Overhead Blue Base Brute Shot Spawn Blue BR Spawn Green Teleport Sender to Red Speed Boost Spawn Sniper Spawn Red Teleport Receiver from Green Red Br Spawn Red Lift Yellow Sender Teleport to Blue Receiver / Magnum Spawn Frag Grenades Spawn Blue Lift So there it is! I think it is pretty good for my first attempt at a map I didn't draw out beforehand. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. I have yet to get a game on this map yet as I just recently finished making it so if anyone is up for testing it out let me know! My gt is ShamaL1ama.
Glad to hear! I am currently reworking the crane area as I felt it was a little bland in comparison to the rest of the map.
Yeah the map is actually almost done. Go look under the maps tab and it should be under there. The pics are slightly old as I've changed some more stuff.
I am currently taking finals but once I am done I am always down for additional testing. Every time I boot up MCC and play a game on it I change the map in some way so testing is an ongoing process.
Sounds good! In the meantime here is a more updated thread as this one is quite old: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/onyx.575/
I have a break between finals from the 11th - 17th so in between there. After then I will be busy again for a month.
Apparently the server or something messed up and it used a version from 3 days ago. I'm not at home until tomorrow so I'll reupload picks then. It is a really old version too. Not to mention I lost views/comments.