Wish I would've posted my map using tin cups sooner, before it was the norm for featured maps to utilize their texture, still haven't posted that map here, but it is pretty solid and I will soon. Dwnloading Now
The grass is placed alright, looks to be a nice flowing 2v2 kind of map. I wouldn't recommend much more than that. It feels very claustrophobic for a Sandbox map. Still, Phuria, you have some talent.
im not gonna lie, i saw this post and thought the map wasnt going to be fun at all, but then i downloaded it and its loads of fun, ive played at least 5 times and i downloaded it an hour ago congrats on the feature and good map
For all the bad rep this map is getting, I enjoy playing it very much. Me and my friends use it it in customs alot.
This map has 4 issues, or what seem to be issues 1- the sniper spawns every 45 seconds 2- the map is breakable 3- there are some random ass banshees having sex in the middle of nowhere 4- Green floor isnt flat, has bumps Other than this, the map seems good, haven't even tried it...