Only 12 Forgers on forgehub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Something., Aug 31, 2008.

  1. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    ^^^Guy who said NO! to my map =(
  2. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    No, I didn't sort the featured map thread by author, I'm not that stupid =p. I meant a thread that archived past featured maps had about 6 authors with a majority of the features, with another 6 authors with a couple.
  3. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Depending on how old the featured maps were you have to remember that like every other website Forgehub started off small with a limited numbers of members. Thats probably the reason for a concentration of the same people.
  4. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Heyy, they'll be 13 soon don't worry about it ;)
  5. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    You forgot to add me to the list
    THat makes it 13 :)
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'd like to explain why some maps by unknown forgers aren't featured, while maps by those who are well known around the site are.

    The first and most common issue is simple: Problems with the maps.

    A majority of the time maps have a huge problem with spawn points. Few people understand how to use spawn areas to fix these a result, fewer maps are featured. No one likes spawning right next to an enemy. The maps with poor spawns are passed upon. Make sure spawns aren't facing walls as well. I've played many maps where I spawn, and I'm instantly disorientated because I'm facing a wall 2 feet in front of me.

    Weapon balance is another piece of the puzzle often looked at. This usually isn't as big of an issue with maps, but often times maps are littered with too many power weapons. Take a look at weapon proximity. Many maps have power weapons sitting only a few feet from one another. That causes gameplay issues down the road.

    Grenades....this obviously only concerns competitive maps, but I feel its a good issue to bring up. Take a look at maps in matchmaking. They all have one thing in common, they only contain two types of grenades. This isn't mandatory, but it is another factor that helps gameplay.

    A map may look pretty but does it play well? The layout is one of the most important factors of a map. Many would-be features look wonderful, have great spawns, but play horribly. If a map isn't fun, it isn't worth playing.

    The biggest problem with a lot of maps is one simple thing: THEY HAVEN'T BEEN TESTED ENOUGH. All of the issues above can be solved by simply testing the map over and over again. I can run around in a map and immediately tell if the map has been tested or not. Find some people on forgehub and play your maps. The reason why you see so many Premiums/Loyals/Staff members with featured maps is because we all test our maps repeatedly with one another until everything works like we want them to.

    Those members who have been featured a few times understand what it takes to make a good map. They understand that there is more to a map than just interlocking. As a result, their maps meet the featured requirements more often than normal members. Its a simple fact that many people overlook. Many would rather complain that their own map hasn't been featured.

    Waaaaay back in the day we had a thing called "Guilders". Their maps were automatically featured, regardless of their quality. It was deemed unfair, and they were removed.
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  7. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    a bit overasked question................

    My shortened answer to all threads like this:

    Do either of these for feature:
    1. Make multiple amazing maps
    2. make one map that bitchslaps people's thoughts of forge's limits
  8. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Personally, I'm rather see a map with some supremely solid gameplay over forge techniques used in a unique way, or a new type of switch.

    Great maps don't have to bring some gimmicky new feature to the table, do they?

    EDIT: Unrelated question, how do I have more rep points than people who have repped? I always thought it was 1 point per rep.
  9. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Well as a website that is dedicated to Forging i think that new forging techniques are very important. Obviously you cannot have a great technique on an average map and get featured but good maps that uses a new and interesting technique deserves as much attention as a great map using old techniques. By new technique we have to be talking something big like the first geo-merge was and how the first interlock was.
  10. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Ok, this is replying to Draw The Line's answer. I dont have access to the hub pub, but i'm pretty sure i know how you guys decide what maps to feature behind the scenes. you bring maps up, play them, discuss all the positives and negatives then eventually come to an answer whether it should be featured or not. it basically ends up being if the staff enjoyed the map or not.

    well you said spawns and weapon placement and bad weapon placement are the problems right? This is what I don't understand then. Forge Hub is a place for people to help the other members, so why can't the staff members mention to the forger what's wrong with the map and what they can fix?

    Many people know that the majority of comments received in the maps section aren't very helpful at all, because they're usually the "typical spam comment #/5" If none of the normal members are gonna help, the staff should! that way the forger knows what they need to fix, go and try to fix it, and possibly be rewarded with the feature. It would make sense to me...

    Anyway, I love the discussion going on here, many members are showing some great opinions that i mostly agree with. but really, to be a great forger and be one of those "popular" forgers and a "premium" it will all eventually come down too HARD WORK The forgers who spend every second they have to make their maps as precise as possible and taking as much time as they can on the boring stuff such as spawns and weapon placements, and the ones who spend a lot of time fixing out the kinks during testing phases rather than rushing their maps to the public will be the ones who are rewarded with popularity and/or the "Premium" rank.
    I SeNTiNeL I likes this.
  11. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    You speak of the place which us noobs do not know :D.
    On a more serious note, its a good system really. The Hub Pub allows for a spam free environment when testing out maps etc and deciding if they will be featured. Also loyals/premiums and staff know a good map when they see it.

    Its true that often i myself ask the question why is there not more high guys all over the map section leading by example. Thing is they are there in amongst the majority of spam posts. Its a few good men against the masses and often voices get drowned out. That accounts for the normal members as well as staff who give big reviews.

    You hit the nail on the head with hard work though. Thats basically the whole cornerstone to the promotions.
    Time dedicated to Forgehub x (Good posting + good maps) = promotion
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    In response to Evan's post:

    You pretty much hit the nail on the head with how we look at maps as well. It's a pretty simple formula, and there are a lot more people involved in influencing the features process now than there used to be. I'm doing my part by not releasing any of my maps (LOLSNAP). And we're trying to move towards suggesting important tweaks to the authors of nearly-featurable maps. Unfortunately, there are a TON of maps that fit into this category.

    Also, since many of the higher-ups spend a lot of their Halo time making their own maps, they have to sacrifice time on their own endeavors to find problems with others' maps. There isn't really the man-power to keep something like that going. But, like I said, everybody IS trying their best.

    On a related note, if anybody wants my services in a supervisory role in the forge, the going rate is $25 per hour. Lol.

    My advice to growing forgers: do something undeniably original. I made Pallet Parade as a sort of response to DtL's End of the Line. And I know there are people out there working on knocking Pallet Parade out of it's "Best Technical" slot.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Lol... I think...

    Yes, we do our best, if we think that it is an easy fix, like removing a weapon or something, we may actually contact them on XBL. If it would take a while to do, like blocking off an area of the map that can be escaped easily, we would PM them on Forgehub and let them fix it.

    We do try to have an active role in helping newer members with their map, but most of us don't have the time to help all of them, so we focus on the ones that are more eye-catching.

    WTF?!?!? I'VE BEEN PAYING $50!!!

    As explained before, we do.
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    That makes the Staff sound like a bunch of idiot noobs. Anyone can enjoy a map, but that is no where near the determining factor. It's like reading a book. The book has been critically written and therefore should be critically read. If a map comes to the staff that looks feature-worthy then it gets played to make sure it is. The enjoyment is not a factor nor is personal prefrence. The staff and loyals are made of seasoned forgers who know what to look for in a good map.
    Cosmic Rick likes this.
  15. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    ehh, that's not really what i was trying to imply though. I didn't mean to say that it would come down to the enjoyment factor really, but more so to a map that is fun to play on rather than being a complete neusance of a match. A map cannot be enjoyed if there is frequent spawn issues, map breakability, or weapon balance issues. I agree, the staff knows what a good map is and what it isn't.
  16. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Good point. There are certainly a lot of things that go into the choosing of featured maps. Enjoyment is only a small portion. I didn't mean to suggest that is was quite that subjective and ethereal a process. I don't think that any of us are good enough judges to completely eliminate personal preference and personal enjoyment level from the decision making process, though. We're only human.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Also a lot comes down to level design and geometry. Weapons, spawns, and objectives can be easily adjusted. However, poor map design and implementation of geometry will cripple gameplay.

    This is how I look at maps. A map has to be fluid and smooth flowing. I like to see good mid-to-long range combat. Some random factor in gameplay, make things less predictable. I personally love level design, unique ways of moving around the map, accessablity. I'm not big into random aesthetic geometry. I need well placed spawns. Those are some things that I look for.
    evan12075 likes this.
  18. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    i see what your saying, but they deserve it, they've created some original and great maps, the more featured maps you make and the greater conduct you produce, the more famous you will be and so will your future maps.

    It can get annoying when people are left in the shadows, but i know the mods lurk the map section for acceptable and featureable maps.

    like said be its life, its not always fair and if you didn't make the top 12, its not the end of the world just take your time and it will come, i agree with most of you, At least for the untalented forgehub is a community, a forum, and people can get by without ever making a map, but it does help
  19. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Another small thing I'd like to point out, while reading all these comments- Almost all people here are referring to competitive or MLG maps when they're discussing the featured maps system.
  20. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I was referring to shift and distortion, great gameplay and not some switch

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